tarheel7734":9ihmvmmn said:
I am wondering how much a modern pipe depreciates after it is smoked.is there a percent that is acceptable? There is a pipe i am interested in and he paid 440.00 for it unsmoked. He has a dozen or so smokes with it. It is also an English pipe that is not a Dunhill, but is of quality. The maker is still alive, so it is pssible to have one made.
If it were me, I wouldn't pay any more than you think the pipe will bring, if you decide to sell it yourself after purchase. If you want to know what the market will bring for a similar pipe, just check ebay for a ballpark figure on used estates made by the same maker.
The reality is, that a J.T. Cooke estate holds it's value at a higher percentage than a Mario Grandi. All pipes are not created equal, therefore a certain amount of depreciation doesn't apply to pipes across the board.
I have seen some average pipes sell for very high figures on ebay, but any of those could have been a classic example of shill bidding.
Bottom line is, if you rush into an estate purchase without taking time to research the brand or maker, in the end your wallet will probably be a little lighter.