Pipe recommendations

Brothers of Briar

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Old Nate

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2014
Reaction score
Looking for a new pipe and have a couple makers in mind both big and small. Want to be under $300 and was looking for suggestions. Prob looking for it to be a blast and I like tomato, Apple, rhodesian, pot shapes.


I can HIGHLY recommend THIS particular pipe as far as NEW Savinelli's go, As you know I recently bought the only Pot SP had in this series and have to say that it is THE BEST Savinelli I have ever bought NEW of theirs and I've been buying Savs since 1977 !! It is the Silver series and yes it does come with a bowl coating, but if you let THAT dissuade you, you will miss out on one of the nicest smoking pipes you could buy!!! :twisted: :twisted: Mine has been a Flake pipe par excellence from the first bowl and everyone since! This Apple has some NICE ring grain which are some of the nicest blasted pipes you can get, AND it's UNDER $90.00 dollars !! JMHO :twisted: :twisted:

That's a beauty of a Savinelli. I have one Sav and it is one of my best smokers.
Talk to Scottie Piersel http://ladybriar.com and see what she can do for you in your price point. I own two of her pipes, one a Morta Bulldog and the other an Elongated Eskimo in Strawberry Wood both excellent smokers and very well made.


Depends on what you're looking for. Most high end factory pipes are just as good as the low end ones, just with better grain and an embellishment. There are some super good artisan pipes at the $300 level especially as estates, however you also have to be aware of a lot of junk too. If you choose an artisan pipe (and I hope you do) make sure you go with a maker with an established reputation and clear track record of quality.
If I had $300 to spend on a pipe, I wouldn't THINK of buying a factory made pipe :evil:

Commission a pipe according to your likes, we have enough artisans around here to do just that for you!!

I only have one pipe which was made for me according to my tastes and likes. I adore this pipe because I know there is none other like it on the globe!
Ocelot55":7evvq30v said:
If you choose an artisan pipe (and I hope you do) make sure you go with a maker with an established reputation and clear track record of quality.
Fr_Tom":259sz61s said:
If I had $300(ish) to spend on a pipe, I would get a pipe made by one of the pipe makers on the forum OR get a birthyear Dunhill estate.
I agree with the Friar... Some have reached out to me offering to make a custom pipe for me and I also really like the pipes Scottie makes. We'll see, I'll go from here.
If you are going HIGH END then two come to mind, Bother Kirk @ Briar Spirit Pipes over in the UK, ( A whole LOT of pipe for the $s !) and Brother Brian Rowley @ Growley Pipes ( a MASTER of pipe making here in the US!!) I have pipes from both and can say BOTH are truly some of the BEST pipes I own !! :twisted: :twisted:
Take a look at the Polinski pipes on e-bay. Handcrafted in Poland; good quality briar; good smokers. I have 4 and love them all.
beardedbassguy":ywl1cozw said:
Why did I look at this thread?!

So much PAD!
Hell! This doesn't even scratch the surface.
I could post all day and never find and end to the many makers and manufactures
of fine pipes there are in the US and Italy which would leave a good hand full of countries
not yet explored. :fpalm:
Briar Spirit":n3jjiydq said:
Blimey, if I had $300 to blow on a pipe I would snatch this gorgeous Pete' up in a heartbeat:


How about some sexy yet affordable pipes, 3 beauties for under $300

WOW!  Kirk, you're right...that is one gorgeous pipe!

Monbla is right....check Briar Spirit Pipes by Kirk Fitzgerald...right here on BoB, for one amazing beautiful sweet smoking pipe.  

My opinion is he can't be beat.  I have 15 of them and I prefer them to any other pipe, hands down.
I agree with Speedy Pete. Commission one for your yourself.

I've also heard good things about Boswell pipes.
Briar Spirit Pipes are amazing. I have 6 and even the ones Kirk considers rejects smoke circles around all the high dollar pipes I've ever owned.
