Preben Holm history

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2014
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Does anyone know of a list of the various lines of pipes and years produced.

I have found the info on pipedia, but it is very incomplete. Even when cross checking with the Ben Wade name and others.

I found bits and pieces elsewhere as well, but not complete.

I know the Private Collection at the time was the highest, and it was graded 1-4 or 101 to 404 or by letter at various times.

For the others does it go Fancy (low), Regal (mid), Crown (higher)? And then these are graded?

Then what about the Martenique, the Hallmark, and I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting? How do they fit in? Different times? Just different finishes and styles with there own grading parellel to the other lines.

Are there scans of old catalogues on line that I could use to research this? I haven't found them. Simply seeing a catalogue price list from various years would give a clue.

Are there magazine articles that give pieces of the information? Or pipe club newsletter articles? Pipe smokers ephermis (sp)?

Part of the reason I ask is one of mine doesn't fit any of the info out there. It just says Preben Holm Made in Denmark and has a 1 in a circle with a little notch above the circle. I love how it smokes and want to figure out how to identify similar grades of his pipes. I was told when I bought it at Tobacco Cabanna locally that it was among the last series of pipes Preben made when he restarted his business on his own a year or 2 before he died. I don't know how true that was.

I'm also just fascinated with the story and suprised with a round of resergent popularity of the pipes a few years back that there isn't more info out there. I must just be missing it.

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