Roosters, radishes and rice

Brothers of Briar

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Ozark Wizard

Well-known member
Oct 11, 2014
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As there were a few too many male chickens, it was time to cull the flock.....

Give him a bit of time. Hope the one--or few-- he chooses doesn't get the better of him. Har! Har!
Oh and it was so good.......

Lord, it was lovey dovvy....

Chose the two larger Buckeyes for supper. The white meat is white, the dark meat like dark turkey legs. Great flavor and texture. I don't beat them up in a plucker, I just invert the skin, feathers and all, so they are lean.. Simmered them in a bit of butter and water with lemon juice and pepper. I like to debone and cut my meat first, then load the bottom of the plate. Top with the rice, and garnish around the plate with the radishes. Drizzle oyster sauce over the top and a few dabs of Sriracha sauce.

No Arky, they did not, and would never, lay eggs.

As there are another few chicks that I incubated earlier this Spring are about ready to hit General Population, and Roo, (the rooster that wandered up to the property a few years back) has the brood in good order, as they say in The Highlander, "There can be only one". I've not successfully sexed chickens when they were young as of yet, but as a rule of thumb, about half of what I hatch are male. Once their plumage shows flamboyance I make note of the next supper..

I was not harmed during any of the processes..... Though I may have used a bit much of the hot sauce... :lol!:
As u know I am fully versed in chickens and so I asked if they where layers Cuz they suck on the plate.
And u know what I mean a layer breed as I know it's a rooster butt.....
Rooster butt? Can I ask my butcher for that? I'm just a city feller, relatively speaking, so what do I know?
I imagine that rooster butts are sold like shrimp, you know so many/pound.. i.e.....


and the real tight @$$es would be 'cocktail', or 51/60's..... Though those tend to be rather tough to chew and can make you choke. Best puréed, then blended into corn meal and deep fried...........
Thanks for the info, Ozzie. Wouldn't want to make an ass of myself the next time I visit the butcher, who should be quite impressed with my new knowledge.

On a side note, this line of yours raised an eyebrow:

Ozark Wizard":0kzvnu2f said:
...I've not successfully sexed chickens when they were young as of yet, but as a rule of thumb, about half of what I hatch are male...
I didn't know that was legal anywhere in the U.S., but I guess as long as you don't get caught it's OK. I was also wondering how you tell if sexing a chicken is "successful." Do they get satisfaction from it, assuming you already have? And how long do you sit on the eggs before they hatch? You must smoke a pipe or two while nesting, I should hope. Boy, you must think I'm stupid or something. But, shucks, it's just me.
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