WPS posted up some turkeys in his back yard and thought I would love to learn more about your turkeys.
Over the years I have really enjoyed reading and watching how Americans stalk, track, call and hunt these smart birds. From what I have seen they are just as crafty as deer.
I have been looking at rossie tuffys shotguns and see the do a "turkey gun" .410 shotty .410 calibre in Aussie has been known as a snake gun for property owners wifes to shoot or for foxes not to damage pelt. This is just what I have heard over many years is all may not be the way.
I will put up Australian turkeys below but keen to know anyones experiences post up please if you can educate us more
hoping we have some gun turkey hunters here.
I worked with a young fella on the drilling rigs that went up far north queensland with a mate years ago. He said they were pretty much out of tucker and they had a crossbow WTF and he shot a scrub turkey and said it was very tasty.
All native australian animals are protected now even roos, snakes and even ducks in most states now.
We have had scrub turkeys in our back yard geeez they make a mess but love the wildlife. I have been camping around these turkeys and they are full of ticks every time I get near them I get heaps.
Over the years I have really enjoyed reading and watching how Americans stalk, track, call and hunt these smart birds. From what I have seen they are just as crafty as deer.
I have been looking at rossie tuffys shotguns and see the do a "turkey gun" .410 shotty .410 calibre in Aussie has been known as a snake gun for property owners wifes to shoot or for foxes not to damage pelt. This is just what I have heard over many years is all may not be the way.
I will put up Australian turkeys below but keen to know anyones experiences post up please if you can educate us more
I worked with a young fella on the drilling rigs that went up far north queensland with a mate years ago. He said they were pretty much out of tucker and they had a crossbow WTF and he shot a scrub turkey and said it was very tasty.
All native australian animals are protected now even roos, snakes and even ducks in most states now.
We have had scrub turkeys in our back yard geeez they make a mess but love the wildlife. I have been camping around these turkeys and they are full of ticks every time I get near them I get heaps.