SKYDUMP Mission Sign-Up:
the below text is a copy of that posted in the December thread...THIS is the place for all standing Squadron members to sign in
So – it appears that Brit Intel has been flooded with rumors of our mission for January. And it actually looks like MI6 has had pretty good Intel on this one. In fact, I think that in honor of their whispered observations to our contact in the UK...we'll do a link thing...
Link: the Brit Bro to his contacts in MI6.
Link: MI6 to Bond...James Bond.
Link: the latest and arguably greatest entry...Skyfall.
Link: the designation for the Squadron’s January mission...SKY DUMP!
As per SOP, it’s time to sign in for the mission. Sign in (if you are an approved and standing member) on the January Mission Thread…by posting your intention to fly. Do NOT PM me with anything at this point! Once your sign-in is received AND when we have about half the typical roster filled (10 – 15 signed in) you will be sent Official Mission Orders including your bombing orders and address. Do not PM me that you have received your orders…I can tell this by checking my outgoing mailbox.
That’s about it. Well, except for the glee I have in awaiting the action later this month. The target for this month is a mouthy character that’s full of sass and represents one of the more deserving targets we’ve seen in a long, long time. It will be my great pleasure to have a hand in wiping the smirky grin off his lopsided face.
Bombing Date: Bombs to arrive Thursday, January 31th.
Earliest Take Off (mailing) date: Monday, January 28th.