Slow Smoking

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
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I've been smoking for 11 years but had never been able to smoke slowly. This held my pipes to 2, sometimes 3 a day, and I had to space them for maximum elapsed time.

Though I still struggle with this, I've slowed down to the point where I can smoke 4 pipes a day or 2 back to back.

It's now more a matter of having time to smoke as much as I wish rather than being limited by uncontrolled puffing:).
Dang Rob, way to break out quotes from other threads.

Alfredo, congrats on getting yourself slowed down brother. It is really to get slowed down and something, I assume, a lot of us struggle with. Some days I will get the nice slow utterly sublime smoke and sometimes I just go a little faster. The two back to back is always nice...blend dependent.
I smoke fast, and damn the consequences.
Even if I wanted to, I just don't have the time to smoke super slowly.
It is what it is.
Harlock999":veu524ca said:
I smoke fast, and damn the consequences.
Even if I wanted to, I just don't have the time to smoke super slowly.
It is what it is.
I commonly get quips from people that I smoke "dramatically." I can make a bowl last 2+ hours, and I don't like large bowl pipes. I don't know how to smoke fast, if that's any help. :lol: I think fast smoking is a matter of people maybe wanting to extracting the nicotine faster rather than letting the pipe run its due course, but who knows. Just a guess. Smoke heavier stuff, and it'll work itself out. Just one fast run through some Jackknife or Irish Flake and that'll slove yer problems. :twisted:

You do realize telling Don Alfredo to smoke Irish Flake for "something stronger" is akin to telling a moonshine swinging hillbilly to drink beer for something a little stronger.
Well, on that note, I've not much told I pay attention either, for that matter. :lol: I had Mike pegged for a middle-of-tobacco-road feller.

Snort half a tin of snuff and load up a four-inch chamber with Black XX? *shrug* More man than I'll ever be. Heh.

Don Alfredo sold me on the idea of HO tobacco 6-7 year ago..
Pipetongue facilitated the journey.

But even funnier now that you suggest a 4 inch chamber of the one HO he doesn't like.. says it taste like motor oil..

You have 9000 post but your still a noob, noob.

I is what I is. :heart: I don't even know what the eff you're talking about. :lol: HO? Black XX? Bliss, my friend. Bliss.

9,000...embarrassing. If I could find a way to reset the counter, I would. Doesn't the odometer roll back to zeros at some point? Probably not.

Re: fast smoking

I started out as a fast smoker, and cigs may have had something to do with it. But mostly I think it was because I had the idea in my noggin that the mark of a proper pipe smoker was the ability to keep it lit. I puffef like a mad man to keep it lit. The Master Class, I imagined, was made up of pipers who went right to the bottom of the bowl and left only a fine ash.

If a pipe went out on me, it was the shameful mark of my pipe smoking ineptitude.

Once I let go of those ideas, I started to sslloooww doowwwnnn. And behold, I started to go to the bottom of the bowl on just a few matches and enjoy the experience much more.

I have one pipe, my first, that is perfect for the 40 minute commute. Finish the bowl about 35 minutes. My Savinelli I can go a tad over an hour. I'm a puffer and now use the bowl temp on my hand as an unconscious queue to let it relax. That didn't happen overnight. Took a while to learn not to nuke my tongue. Still have a problem with orientals. I like them but they don't like me. May be a combo of my smoking style and body chemistry.
I thoroughly enjoy a lot of nicotine. I smoke a bowl of HO tobacco as the last pipe of the day consistently. It used to be that I mostly smoked HOs. But then I became aware that they sacrifice flavor for strength. Nothing wrong with the taste of these blends but because they are blended for strength, mostly, they are limited in the tobaccos they can include. Think of it: how many really strong VAs are there out there? Royal Yacht and, supposedly, Bayou Morning Flake (not smoked it yet). Now think of all the extant VAs. There are scores of good reds, the backbone of most VA blends, browns, yellows; stoved, air-cured, flue-cured, etc, etc, and almost none of them can be used in any concentration in HOs. How many different kinds of burley, perique, latakia, Oriental. Face it, with this number of premium tobaccos available for blending, and almost none of them of the HO gauge, think of the limited choices a blender has to make an HO tobacco.

The potency of the high-nicotine blends is delectable; kind of puts a fire engine in your mouth. But that hit to your system and mouth feel come at cost, namely the bright palate of the many non-HO tobaccos that blenders bring to you.
It's good to know there's a tobacco out there for everyone. I don't seek nicotine, but I don't run from it, I like flavor. It kind of sucks when I like the flavor of something only to find it kicks me in the balls, then I get the shakes all day and nightmares throughout sleepytime.

Is Red VA truly the "backbone" of most blends? I dunno about that, but I could be wrong. I am enamored with Red Virginia, as it is subtle and present in both nicotine and flavor, but it seems a lot of blenders are going for the bright or matured flavors in lieu of Red's unique, savory, spicy, sweet nature if that's what the "base" is. Red has an Oriental/Turkish-supporting foundation, too, that is magical when done right. (Embarcadero, Star of the East [if one likes Latakia]). I seek Red-heavy (or Red-focused) mixtures/blends purposefully, though.


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