Sometimes it's enough to sit a while in the bee yard to have your soul refreshed - and that's just what I needed the other evening. With the season all but done, I sat quietly contemplating the past 5 months of bee work while watching the day come to a close. I filled my Phyllip Trypis bent billiard with a bowl of now extinct McClellend's Blackwoods Flake and on the 3rd light watched thick curls of smoke rise and dissipate into the cool evening air. The bees were fanning in their hives evaporating the day's take of nectar. Their fanning pushed a sweet fragrance into the air around me; a hundred blossoms expertly blended into one - an olfactory delight. And the honey...a delicious gift from God himself.
A few bees were still returning from foraging and I watched as they landed at the entrance to the hive, were inspected by the guard bees and then entered to deposit their nectar or pollen into cells already cleaned and prepared by younger workers.
It was a sweet time of reflection and refreshment. I slept well that night.
"My son, eat honey, for it is good. Yes the honey from the comb is sweet to your taste"
Proverbs 24:13
A few bees were still returning from foraging and I watched as they landed at the entrance to the hive, were inspected by the guard bees and then entered to deposit their nectar or pollen into cells already cleaned and prepared by younger workers.
It was a sweet time of reflection and refreshment. I slept well that night.
"My son, eat honey, for it is good. Yes the honey from the comb is sweet to your taste"
Proverbs 24:13