Smoky Mountain Custom General

Brothers of Briar

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Broken Pipe
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well yesterday was fun at the block party and later in the day I had horrific chills, took my temperature and it was 102.8 which was not good but the worse part was my bp went through the roof at 199/103.

Obviously I didn't have any more pipes and pounded glasses of water and juice since I didn't have an appetite. This morning I could tell things were much better with bp at 110/65 and a temperature of 98 and no chills but I'm still cold.

Decided to try a smoke in the Smoky Mountain Custom General with canted bottom making it a sitter, two knuckle bamboo shank and chocolate and black swirl Lucite stem. Keeping it smokey with more of the 6 y/o McConnell Matured Virginia Folded Flake.

The thing about your posts that's great...they show you enjoying your hardware. Very fulfilling.

The thing that's maybe not quite as great...they highlight your bright and shining face and the pipes are secondary. Kinda hard to see, etc.

By the way...your cob is an absolute stunner!

Another great looking pipe, but watch that BP!  Maybe you could've eaten something salty or fatty at the block party to make it spike? Missed a med? Glad you're feeling a bit improved.
Actually the only thing I had was a cup of black coffee, I've had Issues like this before and have been seen for it, my kidneys don't function normally since kidney failure so I do watch what I eat, I don't mis meds but did not take my bp meds this a.m. and my kidney specialist concurs with me doing so knowing the bp issues that flare up for unknown reasons.

KevinM":kwwl4fxx said:
Another great looking pipe, but watch that BP!  Maybe you could've eaten something salty or fatty at the block party to make it spike? Missed a med?  Glad you're feeling a bit improved.

Obviously I should actually read your posts instead of just looking at the pics. My bad.

Getting old really is pretty great. All except for the falling apart bit. I'm totally an example. Good luck, bro.
Dehydration is another issue that can cause a variety of medical surprises. Sounds like you might have that covered. Last week, while strolling and kicking a soccer ball with my daughter, aka Nurse Bossy, and my grand boy I was stumbling a bit, wobbly, and tiring easily. She sweetly asked, "What have you had to drink today?" I replied I drank a cup of coffee and 4 oz of OJ at breakfast. (This was about 2:00 pm.) "Coffee doesn't count. It just makes you pee. I've told you that before. You're dehydrated, drink this," commanded she, handing me a bottle of Poland Spring. Instant recovery! I need to relearn that lesson every now and then.

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