Well our snow is enough to leave your foot print in it, but that is it so far. Not that I am complaining, you understand.I remember being in Atlanta for one New Years and they got a little freezing rain followed by 1/2 inch of snow and the world nearly stopped, except for the guys who were spinning out of control. I was driving a VW and we putt putted up and down the hills and back to my girlfriends house, watching all the Georgians trying to cope with snow by hitting either the gas or the brakes, with equal lack of success.Well Winter doesn't start yet, so enjoy the Fall boys and girls.
Well our snow is enough to leave your foot print in it, but that is it so far. Not that I am complaining, you understand.
I remember being in Atlanta for one New Years and they got a little freezing rain followed by 1/2 inch of snow and the world nearly stopped, except for the guys who were spinning out of control.
I was driving a VW and we putt putted up and down the hills and back to my girlfriends house, watching all the Georgians trying to cope with snow by hitting either the gas or the brakes, with equal lack of success.
Well Winter doesn't start yet, so enjoy the Fall boys and girls.