
Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2008
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I'm lucky to have family strewn all about but I got a little jealous through the years. When my cousin in Dakota sends me a picture after  his pheasant hunt holding a pile of plump birds. Caption reads "You should come on out." My Uncle sends photos of trout caught in the mountain streams of Colorado. "I threw yours back in."
Cousin Gene is always fishing near Cuba fighting some trophy fish. His son runs a small fleet. "C'mon down."

I'll never make it anyhere until I retire but in the back of my head I've always wanted to take a year and hobo my way across the U.S. taking advantage of the invites from family and friends and hitting the hunting and fishing seasons for each area as I go. Chances are slim to none realistically but I hold on to the thought none the less.

Before I croak I'd like to hit the Grayling and Dolly Varden runs in Alaska. That might be do-able.

So do you have the "big trip" in the back of your mind? Have you been waiting to hunt Dall sheep in Alaska, or land a sailfish? Maybe take a Caribou or fight a Marlin?
I've always wanted to hunt a bull moose and take home a grand trophy and meat but,
my condition would never permit it anymore so I just look for a bull moose of a pipe nowadays.  ;)

OR! To finally make it to a pipe show with an extremely large sum of cash in my pocket.
I've bowhunted for elk in the rockies, fished for big pelagics in the Sea of Cortez, hunted ducks, pheasants, turkeys and doves, caught big salmon, steelhead and halibut, flyfished for big trout in Idaho. At this point I just want to make it to retirement and settle down to a quiet existence near a halfway decent piece of water (PNW beach or river with anadromous runs) and fiddle around happily until the end of my days.

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