Respect out past, fear our future, UK in da house...
Were coming for you U of L
Sorry, couldn't resist...
As to the question... I have no idea what a Buffalo is in the context of Stanwell, must be one of their European lines that seldom makes it stateside... Most of their designations are just finishes...dark/light stain, smooth/textured, shank extensions etc etc...
As to getting one before they are all gone, don't buy into the hype, there are literally millions of them on the New market right now. And their are millions more on the estate market... The announcement earlier in the year doesn't really effect their availability at the moment.... (It does drive me nuts though, prices went up 10-15 bucks over night because the dealers knew everyone would make a run on them) There are just as many out there right now as there was a year ago, don't freak out on me.
Now as to whether you should get one, if you are comfortable in the 'less than 100' market by all means get one, or two, or even three.. I'm sitting on a stack of them. I don't think they can be beat for the money.