I think we're all going to recommend something similar to how we started out? I'd recommend a sampling of a Virginia/Perique (aka VaPer), an English, a burley-based blend, and an aromatic. When I started out, I liked aromatics enough to be interested, but once I tasted an English, I swallowed the hook. If there is a good Dunhill 965 match out there, maybe that? Possibly Arango Balkan Supreme? I mostly smoke Virginias and VaPers now, so I'm not of much use on the English front anymore. My tobacconist mentor went in for the kill right off the bat and recommended Escudo for a Virginia example, and while I loved it from the first puff, I'm not sure I would go that far with a recommendation. Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Navy Flake is a forgiving VaPer and flake. If not a VaPer and just a Virginia, Sutliff 507c is a nice, inexpensive one that I think would be a nice starter. I'll leave the Burley and aromatics to someone else as well.