The Fascination with Young Adult Fiction

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2011
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I don't know if its just me, or more specifically the people that I associate myself with, but I have noticed that lately grown, well educated, and well read adults are reading more and more fiction written for teenagers. I was in Barnes and Noble the other day and they actually have a section titled: Teen Paranormal Romance...there wasn't a single person younger than 30 browsing those shelves. It seems to have started with Harry Potter (that one caught my mother and Ivy League educated sister). Then moved on to the various vampire series, Twilight, etc. (that one caught my wife, who has two master's degrees) though I can almost justify it as being work related (she's a counselor and works with adolescents). Now it seems to have take over the world.

Thus far, none of it has appealed to me...until I saw the trailer for the new Hunger Games I find myself actually considering reading a book that was written for someone less than half my age and that concerns me on a rather deep level. I find myself wondering if Stewie might be right when he says "this is why the other countries are beating us!". and let live, I suppose.

Or read and let read as the case may be.

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