The sad and neglected #7

Brothers of Briar

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West of the East and East of the West
Feb 24, 2009
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Kansas prairie
The Lassen Pipe Shop was on the ground floor of the old Lassen Hotel.  It wasn't my "home" shop; that was the Pipe Rack, a few doors down.  The Lassen Shop was more hoity-toity while the Pipe Rack was a little more welcoming to poor grad students and the like.  Steve Gold and his father owned the Lassen; they made pipes on premises, and Mr. Gold drove a really cool old Rolls or Bentley; I forget which.  I don't think I ever bought a pipe at the Lassen.  I do remember taking a favorite clay pipe in - one of those Dutch clays that has a scene that appears as the pipe is smoked and darkens.  The metal band that held bowl to stem was cracked and it needed a new one; Steve refused to work on it as "the pipe isn't worth it."   Later the band broke and the bowl fell off and shattered; never quite forgave them for that.

Years after they closed I found this pipe in a junk shop; it's stamped Lassen but I don't know if they really made it or if it's just a stencil.  But it's a nice big billiard which I like - nice grain and no fills or pits.  Maybe I'da bought it sooner if they'd fixed my clay...

Funny how the little things make our decisions for us, isn't it?

As one who restores estate for himself and others, no pipe is unworthy of repair if the owner wishes it repaired. I've never refused a commission based on the market value of the pipe.

Nice large billiard, by the way!

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