The start of the journey

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 5, 2012
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Hi all! I'm new here and to the pipe world. I've casually smoked cigars for the past few years but have been interested in pipes for most of that time. Now the time has come to make that step. I would love to start out with a savinelli...idk I just really like them...but more then likely it will be a Dr. Grabow we'll find out this weekend...but are there any suggestions for tabacco? I really like Connecticut wrappers on my cigars if that helps acids and cusanos are some of my most frequents.

I'm sure if you pop over to the "Tobacco Jar" part of the forum and post the flavors/components/aspects of smoking you prefer, you'll get more suggestions than you can shake a stick at!
Top of the morning to you, Sir!

There are many pipes and many tobaccos to enjoy. You must try a variety.

Enjoy the forum!
well yesterday was my first attempt at the pipe and as the title states it was unsuccessful. i literally used almost every match in the new box i had. so after a number of youtube videos later i have another packed and ready for later...wish me luck. the worst part f it though is the wasted bowl of the local green mountain grande :(
Maybe just use a butane lighter to start? matches may take a little more finesse and be better once you know how to light in general?

One light - just suck lightly and dry/char the top of the bowl so it will light. Then once it all dried/charred, hit it with the flame to actually light it. I usually end up tamping down the tobacco that springs up between the 2 lights.

Then you should be good until you have to let the pipe rest if it's getting too hot to touch your cheek. After a cool down it probably will want another light.

well i am going to take it as success. ended up using a torch lighter i have....only thing i had...but it worked well enough. had to light it a few too many times but i will take it as part of a learning curve.
Welcome aboard, and best of luck! It definitely takes some time to get a workable method down, and variables like moisture of the tobacco, etc, can play merry hob with even veteran pipe puffers--persevere!

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