took the finish right off

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
i got bored and started to sand the ugly black finish off one of my pipes.

yeah thanks. it smokes a lot cooler now too. even for a 30.00 pipe
If you'd like to bring some luster back into it without wax, hit it up with 1000 grit, 1500 grit, and 2000 grit sandpaper. When the 2k grit gets nice and smooth it'll start to polish your pipe out real nice; it just takes a lot of effort 8)
Win! :cheers:

Great job - looks great.


Isn't fantastic when you do something like that and find not only does the pipe look a heck of a lot nicer but it also smoke a little better too, grand job, that grain is rather fetching too isn't it, good job chap, well done. :) :cheers:
Quite an improvement. You never know what you'll find lurking beneath a dark finish like that. Looks like you lucked out. :D