Top 5 pipes you own.

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Broken Pipe
Jan 11, 2013
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Here is a twist, I know we all have different tastes in our pipes we actually wouldn't be human if we didn't see things differently, i.e. the old saw beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So here is what I am aiming at to see (photos if possible please) the following 5 pipes you own.

1. Your most elegant pipe.
2. Your most perfect to form, i.e. classic shape, pipe
3. Your most unique pipe.
4. Your most smoked pipe.
5. Your oldest pipe.

I will refrain for the moment but I think this will be fun and give both new and old pipester's alike a fresh look at how we see our pipes. :D
1. Your most elegant pipe.        Calabash
2. Your most perfect to form, i.e. classic shape, pipe     Comoy Canadian Golden Grain
3. Your most unique pipe.     Paronelli bulldog
4. Your most smoked pipe.     Comoy Canadian Golden Grain
5. Your oldest pipe.     Comoy Canadian Golden Grain

Here's mine!
Fishnbanjo don't be such a tease. With your collection there are bound to be some beauties. Let's see some pic's please.:(
I will my good man, but seeing as I have 80+ to choose from it would end the topic before it got off the ground, besides it's about seeing what everyone has because I might want one too! :affraid:  ;)

Hawker":u5gjmqgq said:
Fishnbanjo don't be such a tease. With your collection there are bound to be some beauties. Let's see some pic's please.:(
fishnbanjo":kztlddsb said:
I will my good man, but seeing as I have 80+ to choose from it would end the topic before it got off the ground, besides it's about seeing what everyone has because I might want one too! :affraid:  ;)

Hawker":kztlddsb said:
Fishnbanjo don't be such a tease. With your collection there are bound to be some beauties. Let's see some pic's please.:(
you only have 80 pipes? I would swear I saw you buy 80 just this last month...LOL

I'll play along all though I have only been at it for a year

1. Your most elegant pipe. Lane Era Charatan supreme, it's just a straight billiard but the grain and shape are perfect and the pencil thin shank, really makes it elegant
2. Your most perfect to form, i.e. classic shape, pipe peterson limirick 150
3. Your most unique pipe. a Kiersten cavalier
4. Your most smoked pipe. Larocca fantasia
5. Your oldest pipe. Lane Era Charatan supreme

LOL BigCasino!

Elegant: 9 1/2" Chris Askwith Morta Cutty


Perfect to form: Jack Howell Dublin


Unique: Wallenstein Nosewarmer


Smoked: Tsuge Tankard with over 500 under its belt in under a year


Oldest: 1917 Group 1 Dunhill Shell with real Ivory Spot

Most Elegant pipe was hard to pick but, so it's between the first two a FEC and WDC bulldog.
Most Classic in form: another tough one because I don't care for very many golf club shapes but, I happen to have one, a WDC Royal Demuth Billiard.
Most Unique was easy, sort of. A St. Claude BAP "Avion" Aeropipe.
Most smoked was definitely easy, Mastro De Paja Blasted Bulldog
Oldest was the toughest. I really havent a clue to how old most of my pipes are, was never a priority of mine but, to just guess I'd say the Champagne Pocket Pipe because it's marked Exposition St. Louis 1904.

I really like your Wallenstein Nose warmer but, it looks like it could be a nose burner

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A very interesting thread, I'll look forward to seeing comments from the other members!

1. Your most elegant pipe.
James Upshall B Grade Silver Spigot

2. Your most perfect to form, i.e. classic shape, pipe
1930's Comoys Extraordinaire 499

3. Your most unique pipe.
1965 Dunhill 552, I've only seen one in this shape (sold on Ebay in 2007)

4. Your most smoked pipe.
GBD 9438 New Standard

5. Your oldest pipe.
1930's Comoys Extraordinaire 499

Riff Raff you da man!!!  (manlovescomoysheartpounding)

Love those pipes....pant,pant,pant.

Ok, here's my list, but on several I couldn't decide between several.

Here goes (pictured in order left to right):

Most elegant-Benni Jorgensen Horn
Most perfect form- I've got two, a Jeff Gracik apple and a Rad Davis Liverpool
Most unique- Nording Duck pipe and Walt Cannoy cavalier
Most smoked- Growley Lumberman and Ashton XX billiard
Oldest- Parker Super Bruyere pat. from 1948
OK I'll play-

1. Your most elegant pipe.

Hard to interpret this. On the basis of form/style/function it's a toss up between Rad Davis, Growley, and Mark Tinsky.

2. Your most perfect to form, i.e. classic shape, pipe

Again, hard to say. All of the above, with honorable mention to Peterson.

3. Your most unique pipe.

No freehands here or unusual shapes.  No answer.

4. Your most smoked pipe.

Toss up, but probably my Wiley Rhody. It's a workhorse.

5. Your oldest pipe.

Probably my Pete 999 Donegal Rocky fishtail from the 1950's. Not quite a birth year pipe but pretty close.

And there ya go..........



1. Your most elegant pipe. I am not sure I have ever thought of one of my pipes as elegant. This one is probably a none of the above, although if you have several, one has to be the most elegant and one the least.
2. Your most perfect to form, i.e. classic shape, pipe I have a Peterson 999 and a Savinelli 310 KS. To my way of thinking these pretty well define the Rhodesian and Poker shapes. These are standard shapes you can buy off the rack at your local B&M.
3. Your most unique pipe. I have a calabash gourd pipe with a replacement briar bowl that was made by our own Scottie. Runner-up in this category is a Kaywoodie Carburetor.

4. Your most smoked pipe. This one is easy. I have an Amphora bent bulldog that I got in the 70's with coupons from cans of Amphora Red. I would bet my own money that I have smoked that pipe over 9000 times.

5. Your oldest pipe. I have a 4-hole stinger Kaywoodie. It is a model 79, so "Large Saddle Canadian." It has a round shank and a saddle bit, so I would call it a Lovat. This was probably made in the late 40's -> early 50's.
My most Elegant pipe : Peterson River series, Boyne

My most perfect form: Peterson Emerald 150s

My most Unique pipe: My Bacchus carved Meer

My most smoked pipe: One of my three Charatan Special Pots like this one:

My oldest pipe: A GBD Century strait bulldog I got back in 1969, sadly I don't have a pic of it.
Cartaphilus: Wow, just wow, thank you.

riff raff: Love the Comoy's.

Ocelot: Outstanding group, I'm drooling.

Brewdude: Very nice!

Mombla: I love them.

I love the differences we all have it shows great taste from everyone's perspective.
Interesting thread, nice to see everyone's different tastes & style's. I'll play Fish.
 #1 Elegant: Polinski Pick Axe
 #2 Classic Shape: GBD 9438 Virgin
 #3 Unique: Savinelli 1985 Collection Pipe
 #4 Most Smoked: Was hands down ol Pete Donegal Rocky XL02S
 #4.5 Most Smoked: Giving my Pete a run for it's money lately a Polinski Free Hand
 #5 Oldest: A $10 Antique Shop Find: A pre-republic 1945-47 K&P Dublin 200
Ok I'll go with
1. Gourd Calibash
2. Bent Billiard Chateau Bryer
3. Straight Billiard by brother Brurobas
4. MM Radio Pipe
5. Princeton clay graduation pipe dated June 14, 1897


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