Walking and smoking a pipe

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2014
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I just read KevH's post about his journey to learn good technique and smoking cadence and I got to thinking about how I discovered how to pace my puffing.  I started pipe smoking while in grad school, and looking back on it I didn't really have a lot of time for lesiurely smokes.  I lived about a mile from the university and most of my smoking was done while walking home from the lab.  I don't remember ever struggling with cadence, it just came naturaly as I walked.  Perhaps it was because I was focused on the rhythm of walking and puffing.  I don't have an explanation, it just seemed to work.  Now it seems that pipe smoking is more of a sedentary hobby for me, and from what I gather I'm not alone in that.  So do any of you combine pipes and walking?  Care to share tips or experiences?
I used to when I was younger but wearing full dentures and clenching a pipe don't really work well these days!  :twisted: 
Even if I could walk any sort of distance I know it wouldn't work for me.
If I have to clench for any amount of time I need a bib to catch the drool running down my cheek and neck.
Once, you've got the pipe and walking thing down, add chewing gum. When you're expert at that, move on to patting your head and rubbing your stomach. If you can do all five simultaneously, you've accomplished something and are worthty of expert pipe smoker status!  :lol: 

I clench and walk all the time. Take the pipe out an put it in my pocket when I get tired. I never really thought about it much to tell you the truth.
Do this quite often. Never really thought about it just do. It does seem to have its own cadence, nothing like sitting and smoking really at least not for me.

I often walk and smoke, never had a great problem but I do recall some hot pipes but possibly due to the wind rather than over puffing!
I mostly smoke like that (except for some while driving). I really don't think this is the best way to smoke, I probably smoke too fast, and it's not good for the pipes. On the other hand, I really don't have any options at the moment.
When walking, or hiking, a real man prefers CHAW.

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Richard Burley":hef8eejf said:
When walking, or hiking, a real man prefers CHAW.

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I was a Beechnut fan myself until a few young ladies expressed there horror when I smiled or spit.

Cartaphilus":9ykpoh8t said:
I was a Beechnut fan myself until a few young ladies expressed there horror when I smiled or spit.
Yeah, they hate it--especially when you're on top.
Well that took an unexpected turn :no: 
I don't walk much anymore either.  I probably should to help get rid of my extra gut.  I do find it intereresting that the walking smokes always seemed trouble free.  One exception occured when I was at a conference in Miami during a hurricane.  The evening after the storm had passed I went for a pipe smoking walk on the beach with a friend.  The wind was still pretty impressive and I remember holding the pipe in my hand and watching the smoke shoot out the button.  Needless to say we put the pipes away and found a bar.
Back in the day when a man could smoke at work, I was in a corporate HQ location that occupied all of a city block. Pipers used to smoke while walking from meeting to meeting or whatever, all indoors. As I recall, all of them were clenchers. I hardly ever clench, almost always smoke outside, and I've carved out out six spots on my property where I can comfortably sit with pipe, book and beer, idly hobnobbing with passing wildlife. Sometimes I smoke and stroll while checking what needs mowed, pruned or watered on the ground. But that's not quite walking, and I don't clench while strolling, either. Last evening, my neighbor and I were standing on our property line admiring his burgeoning vegetable garden, speculating on the whereabouts of fox dens and negotiating handling of some shrubs right on the line, he with his cigs, me with my Stan and Plumcake.

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