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Brothers of Briar

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Never heard of Bradford White; is that a pipe brand? Do they still make them? Where did you go to study about this information? Sounds interesting. I like Dr. Grabow pipes, maybe because my first pipe was a Grabow and it made an impression on me. Back then I was smoking blends like Middleton Cherry and Borkum Riff and burned my tongue/mouth a lot and figured it just went along with pipe smoking. I ordered two Dr. Grabows from the factory recently and was not happy when I received them - the Rhodesian didn't have rings cut into the bowl as it was pictured in the catalog mailer and the billiard did not have the white spade on the stem and was not stamped with the model name (Grand Duke or Riviera, can't remember). So I sent them back and asked for a refund if they couldn't provide me with pipes that matched the pictures in the mailer. In a week, they sent me back two pipes that satisfied my request - great customer service.
