Finished reading baseball box scores, and am close to finishing his bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. Going to put Sam the Scamp back with her babies, and go to bed as soon as this smoke is finished.[ATTACH=full]17041[/ATTACH]
Finished reading baseball box scores, and am close to finishing his bowl of Wilke No. 515 Double Shot in a smooth dark medium bend 2021 Peterson Heritage Brown POTY 4AB No. 45/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. This is No. 515 with twice the rum of the Basil Rathbone blend. Going to put Sam the Scamp back with her babies, and go to bed as soon as this smoke is finished.