Enjoyed a tasty snap dragon apple, and am close to finishing this bowl of year 2014 Uhle’s 00 in a straight smooth brown post-WW2 LHS Purex Superfine 74 Canadian with a metal screw-in tenon and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Fed Sleepy Suzy, Molly Danger, Daisy the Feral Princess and the extra hungry Harry the Hairy.[ATTACH=full]18143[/ATTACH]
Enjoyed a tasty snap dragon apple, and am close to finishing this bowl of year 2014 Uhle’s 00 in a straight smooth brown post-WW2 LHS Purex Superfine 74 Canadian with a metal screw-in tenon and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Fed Sleepy Suzy, Molly Danger, Daisy the Feral Princess and the extra hungry Harry the Hairy.