Enjoyed four open face egg, ham and cheddar cheese sandwiches with a golden elicious apple on the side for lunch. I'm passing the first third of this bowl of year 2020 Pfeifen Huber Virginia Golden Flake in a 1938 smooth straight brown patent Dunhill R 115 bowling ball apple with a tapered cumberland stem. Gold Star 50th, neat, is my drink. Just finished cleaning a few pipes. One of my work pipes needed a serious cleaning, too. Still watching the Mets-Phillies game, but if it's not over by the time the Braves and Nationals play, I'll switch over.[ATTACH=full]19415[/ATTACH]
Enjoyed four open face egg, ham and cheddar cheese sandwiches with a golden elicious apple on the side for lunch. I'm passing the first third of this bowl of year 2020 Pfeifen Huber Virginia Golden Flake in a 1938 smooth straight brown patent Dunhill R 115 bowling ball apple with a tapered cumberland stem. Gold Star 50th, neat, is my drink. Just finished cleaning a few pipes. One of my work pipes needed a serious cleaning, too. Still watching the Mets-Phillies game, but if it's not over by the time the Braves and Nationals play, I'll switch over.