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Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
So, I bought this Il Ceppo a while back, never smoked it, then sold it for about an $8.00
profit. Now, the person who bought it from me is trying to sell it, for an $82.00 profit.
Not a big deal, just the way things go in the pipe/ebay world.
Only thing is, he/she is using the exact same listing that I used. Same photos, same description, everything.
It's not an issue in any way, just kind of funny.
Nice blast! That pipe is now the problem of the person who bought it from you. I can't see that BIN being met.
:suspect: I noticed he usually sells motorcycle parts. :suspect: Reselling that pipe makes me think he doesn’t wear a helmet and has had a few knocks on the head during crashes. Just my 2 3/4 cents worth of opinion.
Certainly an attractive pipe. If he sells it for an $80 profit I'm sure he will be pleased with himself.

I'm assuming you didn't undervalue the item which places some doubt over the new seller's business acumen or ethics.

With eBay it remains very much a case of Caveat Emptor.

Your conscience remains clear brother.

