What is Your Favorite Stem Shape?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2008
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I spent most of the day reorganizing my pipe rack, cleaning, and doing some general maintenance and such like and discovered that I only own one pipe which is fitted with a saddle bit (an early 1940's George Yale Golden Sovereign Lovat). All the rest feature taper bits. This got me to thinking about my aesthetic preferences, and thus the poll. Please vote for your favorite.
Smoke 'em both, but I like Saddle bits as long as they're meaty enough. Cracked a couple of ones that were cut too thin.
Voted Saddle becaue that is what I usually go for, but I think it really depends on the individual bit and how well it is done as well as the overall shape of the pipe. Aesthetically I think some pipes demand one or the other to compliment the shape, but others could maybe go either way.

I like the saddle bits on most of my pipes, but I think the tapers on my Rad Davis & Brisset pipes are the most well done and comfortable bits in my racks hands down.

The saddles on my Stanwells and Larsen are good, but the saddles on my Pete, Savinelli, a Charatan and a couple of basket pipes are not so good...too thick for me.

The Yakslon rhodesian I have is a half saddle and the bit is also very well done and comfortable.
Definitely saddle. For my tastes, saddle just fits the pipes shapes I prefer, English Rhodesian, prince and omm-paul.

ftrplt":6h440htg said:
I own saddles; prefer tapered! FTRPLT
Have a Wiley Stack with a saddle..... it just didn't appeal. besides the draft hole was only 2mm. Had JP & Son custom make a taper from cumberland with a 4mm draft hole....... man does it appeal and smoke like a machine!!
Hopefully this falls under the "only stupid question is one you don't ask" category as my newness is showing ...

I'm not sure I know the difference between saddle or taper. And in doing a little google image searching, I'm still not sure. Can someone give me a bit more detail? Or even some graphical explanation?

brennivin":g3udwavw said:
Hopefully this falls under the "only stupid question is one you don't ask" category as my newness is showing ...

I'm not sure I know the difference between saddle or taper. And in doing a little google image searching, I'm still not sure. Can someone give me a bit more detail? Or even some graphical explanation?



Image, upper left hand corner.
Tim_Haggerty":7qao39gw said:
Smoke 'em both, but I like Saddle bits as long as they're meaty enough. Cracked a couple of ones that were cut too thin.

Considering the 6 1/2 lb. pipe you're smoking in your aviator pix, I'm surprised all your stems don't snap! Perhaps titanium reinforced steel stems for that puppy? :lol:

Kapnismologist":7243znoq said:
brennivin":7243znoq said:
Hopefully this falls under the "only stupid question is one you don't ask" category as my newness is showing ...

I'm not sure I know the difference between saddle or taper. And in doing a little google image searching, I'm still not sure. Can someone give me a bit more detail? Or even some graphical explanation?



Image, upper left hand corner.
Ahhhh, all clear now. Thanks!

I have one of each, am content with each, and have no preference yet :)
Don't ask me why, but I definitely prefer saddle over taper. My pipe rack holds seven pipes, all of which are saddle stemmed.
Certainly have both, but prefer the tapers. Depending on how I want to clench the bit I may put more or less stem in my mouth and feels better with a smooth taper.
No preference. I like thin stems connected to feather weights. So as long as the stem is thin, and the pipe can just hang from my lips, I'm good. If I've had any problems with stems, it has been with the tapered. Some times they just don't taper enough.

Saddles, as long as they are on the wider / thicker side.
Just got a new Tim Thorpe with an incredibly thick saddle stem. NICE!
Saddle here. Just like the look of them, but like others, prefer them to be wider.
Both have their merits, but the saddle is a little easier on the jaw if you clench. :D One of my favorites is an old Velani of mine that has a saddle bit.
A good saddle can be very comfortable & functional (LL here made an amazing one for me a few years back). On a big (group 6) pipe, they can be the only way to go.

But pipes with them usually look like amputees with wooden legs.

Straight tapered (a la Dunhill) lucite, please.

Yak":dpcqd4z3 said:
But they look like amputees with wooden legs.
Well, I would not have put it quite that way - but I agree regarding the oftentimes disturbing discontinuity and imbalance which a saddle stem can present visually. Sometimes I will come across an example of a saddle in which it clearly works with the composition, but not as often as I would expect.

I found the results of this poll very interesting, with function and utility (rather than aesthetics) seeming to be the most common factor in preferred stem type.
I really thought Tapers would take the lead here but looking at the poll results so far I was wrong..... interesting indeed!

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