When the search for blend perfection slows down...

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2010
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...then you have found you favorites and you search no more. You know when you have found your comfort blend just the same way you just know when you have found your woman. When that happens the quest ends and the relaxation and enjoyment begins. For many years I just had to try every blend I'd heard any guy recommend. Eventually I realized that I wasn't that drawn to every blend with "five star" ratings. Now, every day I tend to smoke a bowl of Penzance or 1776 American Patriot, Beck's Ol' Limey Bastard, Sterlings 1776 Bostonian, 50/50 mix of BCA/Bestmake and Balkan Sasieni. Now and then I'll substitute a blend here and there but my "gotta tries" have really slowed down. At this time I've only got a tin of Blue Mountain on deck for trial smokes. If I don't hit the regulars I tend to miss them and I suspect this is pretty normal.
I envy you, the only two that are permanents in my rotation are carter hall and sutliffs maple street. I may try your blends and see how they sit for me.
I suppose in my own way, I actually pity you, LIPIPE, because as much as there is enjoyment and simplicity in settling down, I find the rush, the search and chaos of the chase is just as worthwhile. :) Which is good, because that means so long are one hasn't given up, there's pleasure to be had at any stage of the game. 8)
Kyle: Don't pity me. I've got 30 years on you. Come see me in 2041 and we'll see how well your "rush" is going. Enjoy yourself bud!
LIPIPE":uc7p1cph said:
Kyle: Don't pity me. I've got 30 years on you. Come see me in 2041 and we'll see how well your "rush" is going. Enjoy yourself bud!

Without a doubt, sir. Let's hope you'll be around when I get there. 8)
Kyle: It's a plan. I'll ony be 93. You bring the ice cold Buds and I'll order the wings.
LIPIPE":9p918cks said:
Kyle: It's a plan. I'll ony be 93. You bring the ice cold Buds and I'll order the wings.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: Great plan if I ever heard one. 8)

LIPIPE will be here until the Great Latakia Blender in the Sky enlarges the production facilities to accommodate him. Maybe by 2041 they will be prepared, but my money is on Marty. It sounds like you'd best get the wings and beer on the schedule.
Lesath: The brotherhood and especially personal friendship is what pipe men can offer to each other. Your friendship and kind wishes are very appreciated. I guess the senior men among us would understand best that the journey does end because we know and become secure with our choices. The pleasure, however, comfortably continues. Blends, are like women....."We stop chasing them and we settle in and we enjoy them". We are grateful for what we have and we appreciate our days together.
LIPIPE":gtp5srdq said:
Blends, are like women....."We stop chasing them and we settle in and we enjoy them". We are grateful for what we have and we appreciate our days together.
Sadly, some journeys end prematurely, and due to circumstances beyond our control. I am eternally grateful for what I have and I appreciate every opportunity to share times. LIPIPE, an outstanding statement you have made, so very true.
I'm such a stubborn sumbitch I'll raise the chickens and brew the beer myself if I have to. 8) Kind of worth the effort for the Great Latakia Blender and hanging out with almost century-old pipe brothers, you know? Heheheheh

I really dig the philosophy and friendship extension pipe folk have among each other... it's a refreshing change of pace and rush of good, honest integrity I have yearned for, really. I read on some sticky around here about how we're all kind of self-managing, and the spirit is as if we're all on a patio, on big comfortable chairs, at someone's upscale house for a get together, and we're all calmly chatting, eating, hanging out, having a good time...there's no strife or issue, and even if by sheer chance there is, it is dealt with swiftly and with class. This is the image I bring with me when I'm here, and if it stays for another 30 years, be it in person with pipe brothers or here, so be it. 8)

...though really, my own wisdom lends itself to looking forward to "settling down" just as much as the chase at this point. Part of that is I have settled down in my personal life, and am vicariously enjoying another chase with tobacco. I can have my pipe and smoke it too, dammit... :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
LIPIPE":jc6p1iwr said:
Lesath: The brotherhood and especially personal friendship is what pipe men can offer to each other. Your friendship and kind wishes are very appreciated. I guess the senior men among us would understand best that the journey does end because we know and become secure with our choices. The pleasure, however, comfortably continues. Blends, are like women....."We stop chasing them and we settle in and we enjoy them". We are grateful for what we have and we appreciate our days together.
What Marty said!!!

Most can never catch that they chase and the wise will realize early, that they already have it.

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