White briar repairs

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Jan 20, 2013
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I am very new to restoring estate pipes (and pretty new to pipe smoking in general for that matter) so forgive me if I am ignorant of something that should be obvious.

I have been working on a white briar Kaywoodie that I developed an irrational love for in spite of its dire condition.
After reaming out the (substantial) cake I found the bowl to have a several hairline cracks on the interior.

I know dark spots on the exterior can be a tell for burnout on a regular pipe. This pipe has a few brown discoloration spots and streaks on the exterior paint that I thought were just smudges or stains when I got it, but now I am concerned they may be from the pipe beginning to burn out. My thinking is since the paint is white any smoke permeating a fracture would show up as a stain on the exterior?
Does that make sense?

Also thanks to everyone who has contributed such great information on this board, I have been learning so much just reading through some of the older posts.

With the understanding going in that free advice is worth what you're paying for it, filling the cracks with pipe mud is your answer. Followed by building some cake over it and keeping your fingers crossed.

PS : What happened to your former "identity" ?

well if you aint scared of (god I even hate mentioning this) Bowl coatings you could try sodium silicate
kinda just googled for a quick image to use - shoulda known it belonged to someone!
Sorry for the unintended impersonation!
:lol!: I thought this was the Dude for a second too! Welcome aboard, Nixie. I'm not sure about that pipe. I think a burnout that would reach the finish would show up as more than hairline cracks from inside the bowl. Sometimes burn marks on the outside come from someone carelessly setting the pipe in an ashtray that's also used for cigarettes.
Nixie":sjo6mmw6 said:
kinda just googled for a quick image to use - shoulda known it belonged to someone!
Sorry for the unintended impersonation!
No offence taken Nixie. But I do appreciate you switching your avatar.


And welcome to BoB.




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