Wind caps

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2010
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It's getting windy this time of year, and I often smoke outside. This can be problematic while walking, my smoke on the way to work at night tastes sorry after a while. I carry one of those cheap little generic wind caps and cover with my fingers, but I'm thinking there must be a better cap out there.

If anyone can tell me where to find a good wind cap, I'd appreciate it.
am having the same problem. will be watching this thread.
I use the wind caps you're referring to (size of a quarter, full of holes, two, spring-loaded flanges that hold them in the bowl?) and as you stated, often they're not enough and I cup my hand over the top. Other than a few dedicated woods/canoe pipes that nave built in wind caps on hinges, I don't know a better solution.

An "alternative" use for those caps is they work great to pre-load your pipe, put the cap on, and slip it into a little zip-lock baggie. It's ready to go when you want it later in the day, and the cap keeps the tobacco from spilling out.

Unless you buy a pipe with one built in, there arent too many other options on the market.
Just been smoking up in the mountains where it is real windy. I light up inside (illigally) then pop on the cap and move outside! they work well.
I am always worried that the wind skimming over the bowl causes the baccy to smoke to hot, that can lead to burning the pipe!
Wind is relative tho' on my patio I am not worried at all but up inthe mountains this week it was really shunting, over 40km per hour!!!
in my experience, they are better than nothing. I always keep one in my pipe travel bag -- they seem to work ok. Just my few cents.

pipedirector":6zhjr5bu said:
in my experience, they are better than nothing. I always keep one in my pipe travel bag -- they seem to work ok. Just my few cents.

You said it bro!!
Thanks, y'all, and yeah they certainly are better than nothing ... I thought to myself in the wind last night, cap forgotten at home.

After some recent Internet searches, I did find something the retailer is calling a "heavy guage" wind cap. The noteable difference is that the holes are fewer and larger, but who knows what the real difference is, if any. And at the price of $7 plus $7.50 for shipping, it's likely that few smokers have cared to find out. The website is if anybody wants to check it out. I just might break down to the point of feeling rich and especially credulous and order a "heavy guage" myself.
I always have a few of them. They're easy to lose and underside can get covered in gunk fairly quick.

Good point, pipedirector, I'll forget mine in my work pants or yesterday's blazer. I'm certain that keeping it in my pipe/tobacco pouch along with my cleaners would only tear a hole in the lining. Hmm, a couple more $2 caps or another $27 pouch?

My final observation on this subject goes to my original question: how can there be no better cap and readily available? Such a common issue, one would think, as pipe smoking issues go, and such a variety of other smokers' trinkets. Whatever.
Zeno Marx":umelsnq3 said:
can anyone attest to which of these caps works better, or if at all in the case of maybe wanting to not stay on the pipe etc?  and if applicable, which is better made/more durable?
I have the second one pictured.  Keep in mind that if you have big bowl it wont fit. Other than that, I liked it. Its spring loaded.
Fight'n Hampsters":rhvsv8qn said:
Zeno Marx":rhvsv8qn said:
can anyone attest to which of these caps works better, or if at all in the case of maybe wanting to not stay on the pipe etc?  and if applicable, which is better made/more durable?
I have the second one pictured.  Keep in mind that if you have big bowl it wont fit.  Other than that, I liked it.  Its spring loaded.
The top one is said to fit 1.5-2.5cm. My biggest pipe is 2.2mm, and it is a pretty big pipe. Not the biggest, but I'll never buy another giant pipe >2.5cm again, unless tobacco prices drop to 1992 prices.
I had the first one pictured: gave it away since it did not fit my bowls, even the small ones, and the tabs that hold in in the bowl bent easily.

The second one pictured works fine on all my pipes. It is not as heavy as the other one but who cares? It works!
I've had and used wind guards like the second one (with the numerous small holes) for many years. Not only do they guard your pipe from being stoked up by winds and burning too hot, they protect against embers being blown from your pipe and burning clothing or even starting fires. Adjusting the side tabs by bending them up or down allows the screen to fits most all pipes. They work easily, afford excellent protection and I think they look good too. I always have a couple around.
I have the second one somewhere in my smoking stand; haven't used it in years. Thanks for the reminder; gonna dig it out!
I've thought of getting one, at one time or another, but haven't sprung yet. I have fingers that seem to shield the bowl well enough, and I try not to smoke in high winds.......
Ozark Wizard":oc7leea0 said:
I've thought of getting one, at one time or another, but haven't sprung yet. I have fingers that seem to shield the bowl well enough, and I try not to smoke in high winds.......
I don't like to smoke as much when it's really windy, either. But I've known pipers who used a wind cap. They used them while driving in case they dropped the pipe in their laps. When I think conditions prompt some sort of defense I opt for an inexpensive stack and don't load it all the way. Also, I'm not a clencher and have gotten pretty darn dexterous at keeping a finger or two over the bowl.

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