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Tia Lirone

Aug 3, 2012
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I know it sounds CrAzEE { :face: } but my favorite style pipe{recently} has a solid lid - NO HOLES! AND it works FLAWLESSLY! Plus the lid is SPRING HINGED!!! NEVER spill your tobacco if you drop it, and no worries of accidental fires in my pocket either! Ever see one of those? WhOdAtHuNkiT! Altho the pipe Im using has a breather hole{carb?} in the side of the chamber! I ACTUALLY lite my pipe thru the carb hole when Im in the breeze! Its a solid Koa wood {Hawaiian wood} with an ebony centerline. It has a gorgeous macadamia mouthpiece trimmed with a very fine purpleheartwood line.
Ah, Tia, some rather pretty pipes, but based upon their chamber size, construction materials, and overall look I'm not real sure their designed for pipe tobacco, which is rather what most of us seem to prefer around here. Granted, I may be in error, and yes, tobacco can be smoked in just about anything that has two holes in it (and I did go to college from the late 60s on and and had some experience, observatory of course , with similarly looking pipes, so I'd like to believe that I'm not classifying these pipes erroneously?) but I fear this might not be the most appropriate, (nor productive from a commercial perspective) venue to advertise your granted artistic creations. At the very least, post under the pipes section?

Natch":5ngdqfbe said:
Ah, Tia, some rather pretty pipes, but based upon their chamber size, construction materials, and overall look I'm not real sure their designed for pipe tobacco, which is rather what most of us seem to prefer around here. Granted, I may be in error, and yes, tobacco can be smoked in just about anything that has two holes in it (and I did go to college from the late 60s on and and had some experience, observatory of course , with similarly looking pipes, so I'd like to believe that I'm not classifying these pipes erroneously?) but I fear this might not be the most appropriate, (nor productive from a commercial perspective) venue to advertise your granted artistic creations. At the very least, post under the pipes section?

Indeed my sir, but quite to the contrary! We smoke tobacco every day in our pipes! Im certainly not here to advertise. I sell plenty, and employ 3 other people fulltime! I cater to all classes of people and I routinely ship pipes worldwide EVERY week. My business couldnt be busier! I ADORE PIPES! It shows I hope? I am here to enjoy seeing pipes and pipe afficianados and make friends of likeminded people that adore pipes too! Clearly my dedication to my art proves this, and I cannot easily be pigeon holed by 'others' assumptions. I have much to learn...but I certainly have much to share also! IF someone wanted to know ANYTHING about lid/windscreen technology{contruction or installation also} I have established myself as THE AUTHORITY on the subject WORLDWIDE! Period. Distend reality and forget Im a girl for a moment to see that there is simply no other builder with the quality and sheer experience in the pipe lid industry as myself. Certainly SOMEONE could gleen a tidbit or two of information {available from me} on this topic right? I may come off as cocky BUT after constructing and selling tens of thousands of these devices I hardly think you COULD find ANYONE with my experiece 'in the trenches' of pipe lid/windscreen building technology...I discharge many notions of pipe design that we have taken for granted as true. I will continue to develop new ideas and innovations till my dieing day so please dont step on my pink tennis shoes, and focus on giving me a hug.. Thanks for answering this Natch, as I was frustrated with the navigation on this site, but I think I'm getting it now! t~hee { '>'}__,~ £°√€, ¶ia
Speak to me, oh Great Authority on pipe design, for I am ignorant in the ways of the lidded bowl, and have been languishing in the austerity of the premise that my pipes were working fine.
What diameter is the airway? What grit is it polished to?

Do you adjust the airway according to the size of the bowl, or the restrictive capacity of the lid?

Naturally you take this stuff into account, as a designer of tobacco pipes, for tobacco smoking, in a pipe. Of tobacco.

Now if this is stuff you don't want to discuss out in the open, feel free to PM me and maybe I can skim some design ideas off you, mano a mano, so to speak?
Personally I believe pipe smoking is a lot about the heritage and history of it, and due to that I will keep the "antiquated notions of pipe design" and stick with pipes that won't cause the authorities to question me as to what I am smoking in them.
kaiser83":dhikw2f2 said:
Personally I believe pipe smoking is a lot about the heritage and history of it, and due to that I will keep the "antiquated notions of pipe design" and stick with pipes that won't cause the authorities to question me as to what I am smoking in them.
Could be a plus in California.
"Honest officer, it ain't tobacco." :twisted:
Apparently someone has found an alternative use for your pipes Tia.....
Took a peek - nice lids - but nothing for tobacco smoking to be found.

"Check out my Division 4 pipe that I posted today and Im sure you'll see my pipes ARE for tobacco afficianados"

I'm afraid that brass lined airway and chamber makes it hard for me to see it befitting an aficionado - the lack of a proper stem is also quite the problem...

Perhaps if the lids were of the correct size for true tobacco pipes (.75 inch inner diameter of bowl for starters) they might be of some use by themselves...
Dutch said:
Apparently someone has found an alternative use for your pipes Tia.....

And they must be an imposter because they are using your same screen name!!!! Surely no tobacco enthusiast would stand for this, what with our antiquated morals and all.
Sasquatch":ba35df7v said:
Speak to me, oh Great Authority on pipe design, for I am ignorant in the ways of the lidded bowl, and have been languishing in the austerity of the premise that my pipes were working fine.
I enjoy that you think you have used a lidded pipe before...just as I expected. Follow my writings and you shall enjoy some enlightenment! xo!
Sasquatch":3c8ofya0 said:
What diameter is the airway? What grit is it polished to?

Do you adjust the airway according to the size of the bowl, or the restrictive capacity of the lid?

Naturally you take this stuff into account, as a designer of tobacco pipes, for tobacco smoking, in a pipe. Of tobacco.

Now if this is stuff you don't want to discuss out in the open, feel free to PM me and maybe I can skim some design ideas off you, mano a mano, so to speak?
Diameter of the airway varies, in gradients from 1/8 to YES 1/4 is adjusted conversely to the diameter of the chamber. {3/16 is my personal fav} My experience also shows me greater depth of chamber causes restriction due to tobacco stacked and a wider stem is a much enhanced flow feature. These 'thoughts' are rarely taken into consideration in these cirlces. For people that like a single puff, this is quite a pleasurable experience. For stem nibblers, little notice will be taken, and they will blissfully continue with what they have grown accustom to. We also know the shape of the end of a mouthpiece causes considerable restriction, and over a short period of time in increases restriction due to build up. Ive noticed in classical pipe designers, that more thought is put into the outside shape of the pipe than the internal flow technology. There are many approaches to achieveing the kind of flow the particular afficianado would like to achieve. Lid design is about covering away from wind and I have MANY different designs to achieve this. You have made many ALMOST finished pipes. But in my opinion, you could have improved on what you have built by utilizing more airflow science than what is currently expected in this field.
It seems the nearly every search leads back to something related to....shhh....Marijuana.

And Sas, like the lady said, "You think you have used a lidded pipe before" so you should "follow my writings and you shall enjoy some enlightenment!" Heaven forbid you know what you have done or are some misguided soul in need of enlightenment. I think you will really need to buy one of her pipes though, and some of their preferred herbal remedies, in order to see said "enlightenment".

Tia, if I may be realistic here for the good of this thread before it gets ever more sarcastic... Your "pipes" are too small, regardless of the sizes you claim, to be used for any form of pipe tobacco. Tobacco smokers re not looking for a quick 5 minute smoke or a one hitter. We enjoy our antiquated styled pipes because they provide us with an hour of relaxing enjoyment with the original cash crop of America, not the cash crop of the DEA. Now I am certain that if you can make a video of yourself or someone grabbing a tin of Penzance and loading up an entire flake into one of your pipes and demonstrating how in any shape or form that might be enjoyable that we might rethink our antiquated ways. Heck even Erinmore flake which is way easier to come by than Penzance, but we definitely need to see an entire flake packed into a bowl and smoked to make this believable. And lord would I love to see the inhale someone takes off of it and see if they truly are geared towards pipe smoking because there is nothing better than that 5th inhale on some good flake tobacco, especially with some good ole Maryland tobacco.
I'll be more than realistic, I'll be rude.

If I played this game, showed up on a forum, made my first post in such a way as to both declare my ultimate superiority as a designer, and suggest that everyone was missing something by not purchasing my product, and then in the same breath declare that I wasn't there to sell stuff (stuff which is clearly nothing to do with the tobacco crowd in the first place) and on top of it play the "don't count me out because of my sex" card for no reason at all, I would not be welcome.

Tia, you are not welcome. Thanks.


Designer and builder of tobacco pipes, just like your buddy LJG, spokesman of pipebuilders the world over (apparently).
Tia, at the very least are you making any pine pipes? We pipe smokers had a small movement in 2009 where pipes were started to be crafted out of pine because of the small bit of sap content mixture with the tobacco when first lit. It was exclusive to tobacco pipe smoking and made even the top blends of tobacco a bit more delicious. If you have any pine pipes we also might be able to see a little beyond the cliche of what your pipes appear to be. Please advise.
Tia Lirone":3d8u6eix said:
You have made many ALMOST finished pipes. But in my opinion, you could have improved on what you have built by utilizing more airflow science than what is currently expected in this field.
Jeez Sasquatch, I was considering a commission from you, but if you're not even gonna finish your pipes, forget it! :p
Ok, we can all see these are not tobacco pipes, and that website makes my eyes bleed, but I gotta say that wind cap made from the old Kalamazoo bus token is pretty cool. If that were made in a proper size for my pipes, I'd buy it.
Tia, the clogging problems you mention do not happen with quality pipe tobacco. The resin problem your pipes are designed to deal with does not exist here - nor does any hint of your expertise with briar pipes in general. You make pot pipes. Face it.

Also a tip - if you really want to know how to make a proper tobacco pipe you could ask Sasquatch - as he does know - if he'll still talk to you :)
OH MY DEAR LORD, GIRL!!! You are making it very hard for me, another pipe maker that happens to be a female, to establish myself as a TRUE MAKER OF TOBACCO PIPES. Someone please tell me now that I do not come off this self involved and full of myself......I thirst for knowledge and try to be humble in my persuit. Eric Ripert said something along the lines of "The day you think you know everything is the day you are so egotistacal you are blind" (for you foodies out there, it is from an eposide of Top Chef).

I agree with the boys on this one. Wrong audience for this product.....plain and simple.
scotties22":7quyvijg said:
Someone please tell me now that I do not come off this self involved and full of myself...
Not in the least, ma'am. You're a pleasure to have around. I think we may have already chased Tia away.
Not sure Tia is done with her pitch yet - perhaps Squatch could post a pic of what one of his hack jobs looks like just to make sure she understands the distinction...
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