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Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2014
Reaction score
I found THIS PIPE on ebay.


$_57.JPG" style="width: 450px;height: 300px

Not a bad price,but out of my range at this time.  I really like the color on this one.  Figured someone here should see it and enjoy it. :)

PS> I have no association with the seller. I just happened to stumble across this pipe.
If you search for polinski pipes on ebay you'll find a decent selection at various prices. He's constantly adding pipes as well.
Nice looking Oom Paul there JP. The partial rustication is unique and looks great.

The link doesn't seem to show it though. Did it sell already? (No I'm not interested in snagging it).


It worked earlier for me but not now. Perhaps it has been snagged. Someone's got a good one.
I guess someone snagged it...lucky son of a gun. It was a buy it now, I believe. Oh well, one of these days, I shall have a similar one with that coloring. I loved the partial rustication.
d4klutz":mbpyukfi said:
I guess someone snagged it...lucky son of a gun.   It was a buy it now, I believe.   Oh well, one of these days, I shall have a similar one with that coloring.  I loved the partial rustication.  
You can count yourself as lucky because someone else is now sitting with that pipe with the ugly scars  :twisted: 