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Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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I've heard about this movie for too many years, and a friend who is a huge fan sent me his copy this past week. He's always said I'd enjoy it as we enjoy many of the same things in entertainment.

So I watched it yesterday and it was certainly....different.... than what I expected. Not in a bad way, mind......necessarily......just, well........different!!

Still trying to decide if I liked it, although I didn't dislike it. Very dark and somewhat disturbing film. Well acted, well filmed. Perhaps just not my cup-o-tea in some ways.

It seems this is considered a cult classic by some, akin to perhaps something like the Rocky Horror Picture Show which I've seen but never "gotten".

That notwithstanding, are any of you a fan of this movie and what can you tell me about it that you find enjoyable, redeeming, interesting, etc?

I'll watch it again in a week or so just to try and catch what I might have missed the first time, which there is undoubtedly going to be much as hearing dialogue is sometimes difficult for me. Got this high frequency loss thing so it's nothing to do with the British dialect.

And I hasten to add that I don't normally watch many movies. Call it an attention span issue!

So, any fans out there and what can you tell me about this from your perspective?



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