Zane Grey Westerns

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2014
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I was in a little second hand shop this last November, and the proprieter had a collection of 22 Zane Grey novels on sale for $3 each. I talked her down to $50 for the whole set shipped :). Recently, I have enjoyed becoming re-acquainted with this wonderful author's books. He writes extremely well. He seems to really have a solid grasp on reality as well, without over embellishment.

These make great reads, and I can read a book in about 3 -5 hrs total.
I have a pretty good library of them myself left by my grandmother, they were her favorites so I'll always cherish them. ;)
I even have a 1st edition of "Boulder Dam" by him.
Zane Grey, Louis L'Amour, Max Brand, O'Henry, Nevil Shute--these were humanistic moralists, writing about decent people. I think that is their appeal to the general reader. I escape often into their worlds, as a temporary antidote to some of the pathologies of this one.
Grew up reading a lot of Louis L'Amour and Max Brand, didn't get into Zane Grey until later. As a kid, his books seemed a little slow to start whereas Max Brand seemed to start his books with "the bullet whizzed over Luke's head like an angry hornet. Flattening himself against Shadows neck, he felt the big horse launch himself unbidden into a flat out run as if he were trying to catch the very bullet which had just missed his rider."
You had to set the hook fast if you wanted to catch my attention back then. :afro:

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