Kirk Fitzgerald":zttcg8zq said:
...Nah, my post was pretty political, but I was expressing my own experiences in certain situations and got a slap for it, too much 'reality' I think was the problem there, just made me edgy about posting any political stuff is all mate.
Well, truth be told Bro', I'm a bit edgy about it myself. I post on another board whose subject is certain medical issues. One of the medications of great interest to all board members there has been in short supply over the last 15 months. The reason is well-known and well documented—namely, a raw materials shortage due to heavy handed regulation by two U.S. bureaucracies: the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), and especially the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), whose policies created the shortage in the first place. It's hardly a partisan political issue. These policies were started in the last century, and have been made increasingly more restrictive by both Democan and Republicrat administrations alike since then.
Anyhow, someone posted something about free markets on that forum, and I pointed out that we don't have free markets because of all the meddling by the Feds. My post was censored for being "political". It was nothing of the sort. It certainly didn't show any partisan favoritism, or even imply a criticism of one party over another. I never made any disparaging comments to or about any other board members, and I confined myself strictly to facts.
I asked for an explanation as to why my post was "political", and a clarification of the forum rules so I could avoid running afoul of those rules in the future. I was promised a reply, but that was three months ago. I'm still waiting. Meanwhile, others frequently post about wanting more Federal regulation, price controls, socialized medicine, nationalization of the entire drug industry...and those posts remain uncensored. Apparently they aren't considered "political". I smell an agenda.
Thankfully, I see no such heavy-handed tactics here on BoB. But the line that defines what is "political" is seldom well-defined, which makes it difficult to know when you've crossed it. My approach is to avoid personal attacks on other board members, and to vigorously avoid taking political sides. But it doesn't always work, as my experience on that other forum demonstrates. :mrgreen: