I grew up in Oregon. I’ve lived here on and off for 75 years. We’re used to apples here. They’re one of the things that we do. Used to be three in stores…Red and Yellow Delicious for eating and the Grannie Smith, for pies. They were all fine. Then, hey I could likely name a half dozen apple varieties that came and went depending on season, etc. They were all fine. Then not so long ago the glorious Fuji was introduced to the market. A great eating apple. Didn’t see how an apple could taste much better. Then, recently, came the Cosmic Crisp. Ladies and gentlemen, if your faith ever falters and you begin to doubt the existence of God, go find a Cosmic Crisp apple and take a bite. Recently developed at WSU, among other notable attributes it will keep for 12 months chilled. A year. I’d like to have the sole import rights for Japan.
Of course, there are still those fat summer Gravenstine apples from our next door neighbors where I grew up.
Of course, there are still those fat summer Gravenstine apples from our next door neighbors where I grew up.