What movie are you watching?

Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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Since we have a "What are you smoking" and "What are you listening to" thread, I propose a "What movie are you watching" thread. I'll go first-


Saw this first back in the late 60's. Remember being on the edge of my seat back then, and revisiting it after all these years did nothing to diminish the gripping drama.

Starring Henry Fonda, Walter Matthau, Larry Hagman, Dom DeLuise, among others. Well directed and produced. It's a B&W flick, which only adds to the emotional content. I got this from the library since I wanted to revisit it after all these years.

So what are you watching?



Saw this first back in the day. At the time it sort of became a rallying point for the counterculture vs the establishment. And since I don't want this to become political I'll leave it there.

Part and parcel of my history, and despite the drug overtones I enjoy it to this day. Think it was the first time I was introduced to Jack Nicholson who has become one of my favourite actors.


Fifty Shades of Grey, uncut DVD. Never watched prior.

Anthropoid (a few weeks ago).

The true and gripping story of the assassination attempt on Heydrich aka 'The Butcher of Prague' during WWII. A damn fine watch available on Netflix.

This is a story about an American guy of 20 yrs old who enlisted in the Army in WWI. He was blown up in a shell attack in the trenches and ended up a quadriplegic, with most of his face blown off and no way to communicate. Basically a living torso fed by tubes.  

I've seen parts of this several times in the distant past, but never to the end. Actually it was too depressing to watch it to the end, but this time I did. No less disturbing, and there were many parts that were edited out on the TV broadcasts that I previously saw due to semi-nudity I suppose!

No, I'm not on a quest for social or political statements or some such. Only wanted to see the whole flick front to back. And now I have. :|


You darn near have torture me to get me to watch a movie :x

I can't stand to see violence, so that leaves 90% of the movies out.

Saw this flick several times back in the day. Good to revisit.

Richard Dreyfuss is great in this. One of his finest performances IMHO. And Teri Garr is smoking hot!

What a great flick!


Just watched what might be the longest movie title:
"Godzilla Mothra and King Ghedorah - Giant Monsters All on Attack" 2001
Just love those old Japanese Daikaiju movies, and really enjoying them in HD!

Crumb, or properly Robert Crumb a.k.a. R. Crumb, who brought us Zap Comix, and all the other craziness in comics from the late 60's.

I've seen this flick once before but had to revisit it, though the local library. Just as entertaining, funny, weird, and somewhat disturbing as the first time. And perhaps "disturbing" isn't really the right word here. Guess it depends on your delicate sensibilities, if you have them!

For me, I was a devotee of Crumb's work from the get-go with Zap comix, Mr. Natural, and all the rest. Had all of them at one time. Loved the artwork, the satire, the rebellious nature, and all the rest.

Yes, Crumb could and did push the boundaries back then when "pc" wasn't even a household word. He was a product of his time and age, and his story is indelibly etched on this film account!

I still enjoy his work. They bespeak of a point in time that I went through. And while I may or may not agree with all of his viewpoints, I can certainly appreciate his boldness in pushing the envelope and making people think.

They don't make people like R. Crumb anymore. I just read he turned 74. See this flick if you can. If you're a R. Crumb fan like me, it'll do much to fill in the blanks!



The Wrecking Crew. Totally fantastic documentary about the session musicians who were responsible for many of the hits we all listened to back in the late 60's, when we thought they were performed by the band members themselves.

This focuses on the scene in Los Angeles, California in the mid-late 60's when all the pop hits on top 40 AM radio were king. A very illuminating look behind the curtain at who was responsible for what.

And this isn't specific to singles - all those radio and TV jingles, TV show opening soundtracks, movie soundtracks, and much more are revealed.

2 discs, and 6 hrs total showtime. The initial presentation is 2 hrs, and the special features with extensive interviews take up the rest of the time.

I hasten to add that the special features are equally interesting, if not more so, than the initial presentation as it has most of the interviews. And while I don't recognize some of these folks by name, it's more than apparent the mark they've left.

I highly recommend this if you're a fan of the music scene.




Muscle Shoals. A terrific documentary about the legendary recording studio in the town of the same name that was responsible for countless hits and records from the late 60's - 70's onward. Surprising how many name artists got their start here. Stuff we all listened to back then, and it was all done at this humble lil' studio in the cotton fields of 'bama!

Highly recommended.


Gold Diggers of 1933.
Busby Berkeley movie. Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler, Aline MacMahon. Extravagance, feel good movie for your inner child!
A Ronald Reagan movie made the year I was born: 1951

Bedtime for Bonzo

As I remember vaguely from watching this movie years ago we're dealing an intelligent chimp, which should have been listed as the only co-star.

The Martian.

I quite enjoy a good SciFi, as long as it is a SciFi in its truest sense, i.e. not beyond the realms of possibility. Matt Damon puts in a good performance a brings a mixture of comedic value and tension.

Worth a watch if you're into this sort of thing. Available on Netflix.
Lore. It is a historical documentary on folk lore over the years... kinda Macabre

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