Here on the shore- Piping and making allies with as many smokin' pals as I go along
Can't say I've ever been to Sturgis but one day I'd like to own a chopper. I'm originally from New York CIty born and raised - I am quite unhappy with the way that city went socially, financially, and politically. Moved down to the shore about an hour away 8 years ago. Pleasant life - smoking, watching the bikers(mostly Indians some Harleys) on the main drag. I like Burleys and Cigar Blends - some English as well.Welcome from the other side of the country. Tell us about yourself. Had a friend from NJ that I met at Sturgis every year. He was a pipe fitter and used to ride a 46 flathead hard tail from Jersey to Sturgis. Took him 6 days. He must have had cast iron kidneys, lol.
If you like burley with some cigar influence you might try C&D Billy Budd. I was gifted a sample and find it quite good.Can't say I've ever been to Sturgis but one day I'd like to own a chopper. I'm originally from New York CIty born and raised - I am quite unhappy with the way that city went socially, financially, and politically. Moved down to the shore about an hour away 8 years ago. Pleasant life - smoking, watching the bikers(mostly Indians some Harleys) on the main drag. I like Burleys and Cigar Blends - some English as well.
its humid hereHowdy and Welcome, I used to work in Long Branch and have family in Cape May - lots of Jersey shore in between. I hope Henri blew away smoke from our fires from you area. Air quality still worse than bad out here.