I've been a lurker here for months, and I'm looking forward to participating in the life of this site.
Thanks, I'm sure I will.Welcome to BoB! I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thanks, Zippo, or can I call you Zip? As a point of interest, I've been to the UK once (Scotland, Wales, and Ireland (N), but never to England. The trip was very enjoyable..Welcome aboard Buddy
Hi Carl, yep Zip will be fine, most people call me that anyway. And I'm well use to it. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the UK mate, I've been to the U.S several times, to various states. And it remains the greatest country I've ever visited.Thanks, Zippo, or can I call you Zip? As a point of interest, I've been to the UK once (Scotland, Wales, and Ireland (N), but never to England. The trip was very enjoyable..
Hope to see more of your posts as time goes by.
Zip, British Army? I'm a vet, too, US Army Security Agency in Berlin (70-72). We worked closely with the RAF at Gatow. They were good guys, and our relations with them were close. I went up to Gatow to have a few beers at their club. Good times in the long ago past. Where were you stationed, and what did you do in HM Army? A slute to you, friend.Hi Carl, yep Zip will be fine, most people call me that anyway. And I'm well use to it. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the UK mate, I've been to the U.S several times, to various states. And it remains the greatest country I've ever visited.
And trust me I have been almost everywhere, whilst serving with the British Army. Hope to see you on the posts. And once again welcome to BoBs.