Winding down for the night and smoking some Carter Hall in a Sunrise Featherweight apple.

Warne, have you tried the Country Squire aros? I can highly recommend Rivendell and Choctaw. Also Figgy Pudding when it's available.Due to some recent ennui, I decided to try a run of most of the gamut of the Sutliff, C&D, and Lane bulk Aromatics. Just tried over 20 of them in succession in an AKB panel horn meer, and the reason I was able to do this, is that I wasnt able to keep any blend in the bowl longer than 5 minutes.
I already knew most aromatics weren't for me, but after throwing $100 at the issue, now I truly KNOW.. they aren't for me. In a way it was almost worth it. The mind works in mysterious ways.
61° and windy today. Enjoyed a bit of GH&Co. Scotch Flake in a MM Diplomat Apple. Then I was informed of some family drama I’d be going home to, so I loaded up the MM Southport Ferryman with GH&Co. Dark Plug for some extra equanimity and contemplation. Being a dad of three grown daughters is an adventure!. View attachment 8421
A quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2021 Watch City Glass Slipper Micro-Batch in a post-2000 straight brown sandblasted Tom Eltang cherrywood with a black acrylic saddle stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink.
View attachment 8423
61° and windy today. Enjoyed a bit of GH&Co. Scotch Flake in a MM Diplomat Apple. Then I was informed of some family drama I’d be going home to, so I loaded up the MM Southport Ferryman with GH&Co. Dark Plug for some extra equanimity and contemplation. Being a dad of three grown daughters is an adventure!. View attachment 8421
Sturdy,61° and windy today. Enjoyed a bit of GH&Co. Scotch Flake in a MM Diplomat Apple. Then I was informed of some family drama I’d be going home to, so I loaded up the MM Southport Ferryman with GH&Co. Dark Plug for some extra equanimity and contemplation. Being a dad of three grown daughters is an adventure!. View attachment 8421
Ummm, let us think now, maybe Kensington in a Rob Roy,Good Morning!
Last night I ended with Star of the East Gold that I ended up finishing so today I started early with the usual. Just finishing GLP Charring Cross in an Apple Diplomat deciding what to smoke next.
Probably next up!maybe Kensington in a Rob Roy