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Brothers of Briar

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Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and green beans dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm nearing the last quarter of this bowl of year 2013 Capstan Blue Ready Rubbed in a straight 1924 Dunhill’s “Shell Briar” patent pot 7 with a tapered black vulcanite stem. Community Coffee, neat, is my drink. Decided to have a Dunhill evening. Spent some time outside keeping Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave away from that mysterious black cat that shows up. It knows I fed him/her?, but it's still afraid of me.
Dunhill_1924_ pot.jpg
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am passing the quarter mark on the last of this tin of year 2012 Dan Tobacco Hamborger Veermaster in a smooth straight brown 1950 Dunhill 48 bulldog group 4 root briar with a black vulcanite fish tail saddle stem.
Passing the quarter mark on this bowl of year 2018 Solani 633 in a straight 1954 patent Dunhill 148 Group 3 black shell bulldog made for the France market with a black saddle vulcanite stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink.
I think I have my rotation down now, and I'm smoking five or six pipes a day, which I think is good for me.

I just got some handmade tampers from Glenwright Pipes, I bought four because I've always lost tampers in the past. They're made, from left to right, of spalted white oak, spalted buckeye burl, figured ash, and Spanish olive. The pick comes out of the top.


I'm smoking Best of the Rest English in a Savinelli Manzoni.
Good Morning, BoBs! Up early this morning and smoking some Bengal Slices gifted by @Ranger107 in a Savinelli Champagne chubby billiard. Drinking JFG coffee. Contacted my neighbor's favorite plumber and he is coming out today to give me an estimate on replacing my dead water heater. He said it runs anywhere from $800-$1000, depending on the difficulty of the job! He also said that the price estimate includes the water heater! My job will be difficult so it will be a little more expensive than his estimate, but that is still much more reasonable than the $2475 estimate from the other plumber.
I just filled up the feeders for the birds and squirrels, there all having a good time out there. Smoking a Pete Lestrade with Russ` pirates cove and I am pairing it with another Hortons k-cup.
We seem to be having a lot of raccoons here at night.
Good Afternoon friends and fellow BoBs. Another warm and sunny day today. And it feels like a corn cob day. So without further ado, I'm filling a MMCC Country Gent with my fave Hobbit Weed gifted by everyone's good buddy Ranger. Have a good day ya'll 😊 (My best attempt at an American accent) 😆
Good Morning, BoBs! Up early this morning and smoking some Bengal Slices gifted by @Ranger107 in a Savinelli Champagne chubby billiard. Drinking JFG coffee. Contacted my neighbor's favorite plumber and he is coming out today to give me an estimate on replacing my dead water heater. He said it runs anywhere from $800-$1000, depending on the difficulty of the job! He also said that the price estimate includes the water heater! My job will be difficult so it will be a little more expensive than his estimate, but that is still much more reasonable than the $2475 estimate from the other plumber.
Yeah, that first estimate was trying to make bank off of you. I've connected and disconnected several water heaters in my life, and it just isn't that hard.
Good morning everyone. Joining our friend Zippo with some Hobbits Weed in a Lorenzo Old Vic bent billiard. Big mug of cowboy coffee. Another honey do day, lol. Zippo, hope you and Ms.Z enjoyed your pub visit last night. I need to get more socks headed your way, lol. Haebar, glad you got a more reasonable estimate. I knew the 1st guy was trying to rip you off.
Yeah, that first estimate was trying to make bank off of you. I've connected and disconnected several water heaters in my life, and it just isn't that hard.
Yep, he was asking too much for the job! Today I got a firm quote of $1300 and that includes the water heater.

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