Started off walking Jacksie while enjoying KBV Burley Morning Pipe in a Jansen's bent volcano with saddle stem. Now finishing that bowl with a cup of coffee on the patio.

Our prayers for you and your mother Singed.Hectic evening, not ten minutes after I posted I had to go to my mother's. She's been ill, likely with a form of COVID and it ground her down this afternoon. I bundled her off to the hospital where she's under observation. I'll know more tomorrow. Had some Oriental Silk in my Brigham when I got home and made supper, my plans with the meer were preempted. I'll know more tomorrow. Goodnight BoBs. Grats Ranger.
View attachment 16893
Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she recovers soon.Hectic evening, not ten minutes after I posted I had to go to my mother's. She's been ill, likely with a form of COVID and it ground her down this afternoon. I bundled her off to the hospital where she's under observation. I'll know more tomorrow. Had some Oriental Silk in my Brigham when I got home and made supper, my plans with the meer were preempted. I'll know more tomorrow. Goodnight BoBs. Grats Ranger.
View attachment 16893
I will remember your mother and you in my prayers.Hectic evening, not ten minutes after I posted I had to go to my mother's. She's been ill, likely with a form of COVID and it ground her down this afternoon. I bundled her off to the hospital where she's under observation. I'll know more tomorrow. Had some Oriental Silk in my Brigham when I got home and made supper, my plans with the meer were preempted. I'll know more tomorrow. Goodnight BoBs. Grats Ranger.
View attachment 16893
I know that sound well and hope it never happens to you again!I sounded like a pit stop in a F1 Grand Prix last time
My wife names the birds we keep, mostly the roosters, usually after country music stars. When they stop laying or become unruly we rename the flock Soup!Let’s give them tobacco names. This BCA.
Thanks BuddyI know that sound well and hope it never happens to you again!