Having a bowl of Bluff Blend in an H&B cob on the bluff. While here, I intend to use a homemade pine tar concoction to stain the wood bed on my 16 foot trailer during these 60F temperatures.

Good to see you Ranger, and you are in my prayers for fast and full healing. What a great companion you have there in Charlie.Good morning BoBs and a Happy Sunday to all. Beautiful fall day here on the mountain. Wish I was outside puffing on some Hobbits Weed in my Pete Pub and sipping Cowboy coffee. But that will have to wait till I get through this 2nd round of chemo. At least I can sip cowboy coffee with Sir Charles (Charlie) to keep me company. Gonna try to make it down to the Legion for breakfast. Have a great day my friends.
Good to see you around, don't be a stranger even if you haven't smoked.Good morning BoBs and a Happy Sunday to all. Beautiful fall day here on the mountain. Wish I was outside puffing on some Hobbits Weed in my Pete Pub and sipping Cowboy coffee. But that will have to wait till I get through this 2nd round of chemo. At least I can sip cowboy coffee with Sir Charles (Charlie) to keep me company. Gonna try to make it down to the Legion for breakfast. Have a great day my friends.
In my case, the weather affects how much I get outside to smoke.I combined two posts more for the feral drama than for my smokes.
Half way through this bowl of year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09) with a black vulcanite saddle stem. I looked out the back window before I opened the door, and to my surprise, all four ferals were standing near each other waiting for me, and not fighting. Usually, Abner the Eager is picked on the most, but there he was sitting on the doormat looking up at me. I brought him in first so he could eat in peace. After that, I let the others in. Harry the Hairy ate and is half asleep on the cat tree. Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato the Brave are in the kitchen, probably waiting for wet food. They are the only ferals who get that, which is twice a day. Abner is hiding behind m'lady's chair where nobody is likely to bother him.
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Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and have passed the quarter mark of this bowl of year 2013 Esoterica Tilbury in a smooth medium bend 1999 Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Milverton with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem. Tomato the Brave got rambunctious. I got down on the floor looking for a book I wanted to read, and he grabbed the top of my head, and starting chewing on my hair. He's never done anything like that before. A few minutes later, Abner the Eager was walking to the kitchen, and Tomato went after him. I got between them, and scolded Tomato, and he ran to the couch. Abner was very scared, and I spent a little time comforting him before I put him on the top of my chair. Then, I fed Daisy the Feral Princess and Tomato their wet food. I had to stand guard so Harry the Hairy would leave them alone. As soon as he finished eating, Tomato ran to the back door, and I let him out. All is quiet now, so I'm going to read for a bit.
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I'm seeing fewer posts lately. You guys run out of tobacco or were you just run out of the house?