Recent content by Blackhorse

Brothers of Briar

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  1. Blackhorse

    Checking in from the Gulf Coast in TX

    Well, this is certainly the place to learn more…among friends. Welcome.
  2. Blackhorse

    Howdy From Orange, Texas

    I have a brother in law named Keith. Pretty sure I’ll like you better.
  3. Blackhorse

    Greetings from Toronto

  4. Blackhorse

    Howdy From Orange, Texas

    Glad to have you, Keith.
  5. Blackhorse

    Greetings from TN

    Mr. K - welcome to the party.
  6. Blackhorse

    What was your fastest car?

    Oh…I forgot. I had a monster 1964 VW Bug. No wind up key. The 1964 Beetle, nicknamed the "big window Beetle" for its larger windows, is a two-door coupe with a rear-mounted, air-cooled engine and rear-wheel drive. It seats four and has luggage space under the front hood and behind the rear...
  7. Blackhorse

    Greetings from Carmel, CA

    Well met. Glad you decided to drop by.
  8. Blackhorse

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    Andy - I have to ad a post here re the highly regarded Falcon. Note below my pair. Took me a while to find the various pieces…during the time we did a BOB Pipe of the Year that was an engraved Falcon. One of our own did the engraving. Here I have a bent black briar bowl mated to a straight...
  9. Blackhorse

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    Pleased to have you here with us. Great choice on your tobacco.
  10. Blackhorse

    My new pipe station

    I absolutely love it when someone sees beauty or function in a found object of humble origin. Even more when they ultimately apply talent and skill to create something truly charming. Well done. 👍👍👍
  11. Blackhorse

    Fine Gifts

    Well…you’re a pair to draw to. Congrats for sure. Over the moon for that Ashton too. Good on both of you. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Blackhorse

    Great minds...

    Gushy is fine.
  13. Blackhorse

    Burley recommendations

    Easily done. Astoundingly popular. John Patton’s STORM FRONT. This is what God made Burley for.
  14. Blackhorse

    Great minds...

    Waiting for the other shoe…?
  15. Blackhorse

    Zippo Butane Pipe Insert

    I think that’s pretty much the thing…would you buy another. I’d also check out the new version of the Ronson Comet. It’s cheap and pretty much bulletproof. Buy 2 or 3 on the “big A” for $8 delivered. Obviously they don’t have the extensive history and nostalgia that the Zippo does. Whatever…