Recent content by bluemanitoulin

Brothers of Briar

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  1. bluemanitoulin

    What is Your Favorite Cornell & Diehl Blend?

    Another vote for both Cordial and Engine 99. I have tried probably two dozen C&D non-aromatics.
  2. bluemanitoulin

    McClelland's Wilderness

    As someone who had smoked mainly C&D blends, I was at first put off by the tin note of Wilderness. Unfortunately, I had read about the famous vinegar/ketchup smell and that is what I noted, by smell and taste. So, I put the tin away for about a year. A year later I tried it again, the tin...
  3. bluemanitoulin

    C&D Engine #99

    I love engine 99 for it's complex taste, low nicotine, and the fact that I can smoke it while working outside and not worry about how hard I might puff on it. It has the same great taste no matter what I do. If I had to pick a favorite right now that's it. I also am very fond of Cordial...
  4. bluemanitoulin

    English blend packing advice?

    This is my first post. I discovered English blends about two years ago, after 30 years of very occasional aromatic smoking. But I only recently discovered a better way to pack a pipe. I should have paid attention to the many posts here. Anyway, I too had great trouble keeping the pipe lit...