Recent content by Chris Smith

Brothers of Briar

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  1. Chris Smith

    Pipe Overload!

    The wife went pipe crazy on me this week. 14 pipe mixture. Not going to name them but enjoy the looky-loo.
  2. Chris Smith

    PAD - Nord Compass

    Dunno yet. I’ll let ya know once I smoke it some. Everything I’ve seen about them says it smokes a little cooler but I’ve also seen some say it smokes a little moister in high humidity areas. Thanks, Chris
  3. Chris Smith

    Happy IPSD 2025!

    Happy (Albeit late) IPSD! It was a great day for piping! Thanks, Chris
  4. Chris Smith

    Hello from South Wales, UK

    Hello and welcome.
  5. Chris Smith

    Greetings from TN

    Hello and welcome.
  6. Chris Smith

    PAD - Nord Compass

    This is mt newest acquisition…Nord Compass. It was in a starter set that was on sale new for 30.00 with a tin of 4th Generation 1957 Erik Michael Blend, pipe cleaners and a cheq tool. Good deal as it is usuall about 60.00 or more.Wife (CFO) say that the first step in handling my addiction is...
  7. Chris Smith

    My 2nd best find ever

    If you send me the WHOLE tin I can smoke it for you and tell you if it is indeed still good or not…LOL! Thanks, Chris
  8. Chris Smith

    And another one is born...

    What do you suggest for the sweetness part or does the Kraken dark rum cover that too? Thanks, Chris
  9. Chris Smith

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I really like that OOM-PAUL shape. Very nice! Thanks, Chris
  10. Chris Smith

    Fine Gifts

    Those are beautiful! Every pipe has some sort of story and they should be cherished. Thanks for sharing. Thanks, Chris P.S.=> If he is looking to adopt a 50 y/o let me!
  11. Chris Smith

    And another one is born...

    That is my cleaning solution. 50% Everclear (for cleaning and disinfecting) and 50% mouthwash (for freshening). All I had available when I mixed it was a squeeze bottle. I use it clean the stem with a pipe cleaner. Thanks, Chris
  12. Chris Smith

    Pipe rack question

    Seems to me it's just an opinion. I think bowl up would have a slight advantage for wet smokers as the moisture would down and.maybe not soak into the briar. Just a guess though. Thanks, Chris
  13. Chris Smith

    My new pipe station

    Love the look! I'm a big fan of rustic decor and old farmhouse. Outstanding job! Thanks, Chris
  14. Chris Smith

    And another one is born...

    This is my newest. Born this evening. Going to put EEE on it this week when I get a moment. This dark walnut and either a bowl, egg, peat, wasp nest, or combination of all, shape. Not a sitter this time. I made the pipe couch out of leather with minor saddle stitching and rivets. Works well...
  15. Chris Smith


    Hello and welcome!