Recent content by fireman11

Brothers of Briar

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  1. fireman11

    What Are You Reading?

    Thanks for the review. I need to pick this one up. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a history also.
  2. fireman11

    What Are You Reading?

  3. fireman11

    How hot does your electric coffee maker brew your morning coffee?

    I use an electric kettle at 185 then AeroPress.
  4. fireman11

    Age of BoB members

    Un-possible!! I have been assured that smoking a pipe will kill you dead. Deader than even cigarettes!
  5. fireman11

    What was your fastest car?

    I'm getting some serious Mad Max vibes off of this!
  6. fireman11

    The Military Surplus Thread

    K98 Ar42 zf41...ww2 German ''sniper rifle''. I also have a semi auto Bren gun built that is 90% Inglis parts. Heavy beast.
  7. fireman11

    Age of BoB members

    Fixed it.
  8. fireman11

    Age of BoB members

    This is an issue I will ponder deeply as I smoke my pipe later.
  9. fireman11

    Age of BoB members

    I like your method better. For once I'm above average!! Of course in this case, it's not really a good thing. :(
  10. fireman11

    Age of BoB members

    63 but emotionally I'm about 12.
  11. fireman11

    I need to have apps on mobile phone to get discounts in store now.

    And this has to do with what?
  12. fireman11

    Pipe maintenance question

    I clearly know nothing about smoking a pipe. Interesting thread.
  13. fireman11


    We used to go back when it was held at Forest Hills. Mom and my little sister were big into tennis. Sister played in college. We also used to go to the Longwood Cricket Club to watch the tournaments. Somewhere around here, I have pictures of us hanging out with Roy Emerson and Rod Laver.
  14. fireman11

    New "Accidental" Pipe Case

    It would be great to see some pics. I need some sort of small pipe/tobacco carry case.