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Brothers of Briar

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Half way through this bowl of Ken Byron Ventures Mr. Christian’s Brown Flek 2021 in a 1984 smooth brown full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg with a silver cap and tapered black vulcanite p-lip stem. Abner the Eager was taking a snooze on my lap. I was going to put him outside after he ate, but he was so pitiful sounding, that I kept him in.

AbnerLap Awake2.jpg
Just finished smoking year 2018 D&R Windsail in an 1890s-early 1900s dark brown smooth straight JD (Joseph B. Desjardins) billiard with filigree metal work with an amberish saddle stem and orific bit. Fed Daisy the Feral Princess, Tomato the Brave and Harry the Hairy. Harry misses Sam a lot. I've watched him hunt for her all day and evening. He'd turn around and stare in to the yard, go under the deck, and come back with a sad cry. I spent some time with him as he was extra needy, the poor fella.
J.D. (Joseph B. Desjardins)_Fillagree-billiard1.jpg
Good morning,
Smoking a Pete 606 (straight pot) Casey Jones hero`s blend,mug of 8 o`clock coffee. 77 degrees and cloudy with rain on the way. My wife had a chat with me last night about getting a lawn service in to do our property, I am not happy about it,but she`s right. My back has not been good and the heat has been getting to me...
Good morning BoBs. Up early since I have to be at the Legion by 9. 3 Honor Guard events today. Almost through a bowl of CS Choctaw in the Butz Choquin magnum bent brandy with a 2nd mug of coffee. Going in soon as this is done. Rained just enough yesterday afternoon to bring out all the freaking gnats and no seems. Tired of fighting them and the tobacco seems to attract them. Have a great day everyone.
One vacation day left, and over at the bluff after some time in East Tennessee-see below. Stopped by Gatlin-burlier, but didn't get anything-maybe next time. It's a nice small shop. I bought this Hirschl & Bendheim General Corn Cob Pipe Bent Toasted & Broken In Irwin S. Cobb unsmoked off eBay. No sticker but, I trust the seller and they sell lots of cobs out of their location in MO. This pipe is pretty big at 7/8 ID and 1 7/8 inside depth. I've read this MO company used vulcanite stems. Having Warped Cloudhopper and really enjoying the cigar tastes and the new cob. After this bowl, it's off to work I go sawing up a downed oak tree.
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Smoking a De Paja bent brandy,Sutliff blue note,Tim Horton`s k-cup. Rain is coming down hard here. I was able to get in to see the Dr this morning, He gave me a back brace to wear. It`s a little uncomfortable,but hopefully it helps. Time will tell...
Smoking a De Paja bent brandy,Sutliff blue note,Tim Horton`s k-cup. Rain is coming down hard here. I was able to get in to see the Dr this morning, He gave me a back brace to wear. It`s a little uncomfortable,but hopefully it helps. Time will tell...
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Starting off my smoking day with a bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem in the military mount style. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Watching High Heat.
Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
Good day everybody!
I tried a VaPer as I was suggested to by somebody on here.
This morning I smoked Sutliff's Match Victorian. I was afraid of perique because of a sensation some blends gave me. It was the feeling of needles made of pepper on the back of my tongue and throat which I had misatributed to perique. Match Victorian is teaching me I don't need to be so perique-shy as the sensation im afraid of, I'm not really getting here. It has got to be some other component i don't like, I can't identify it yet. I've still got a whole lot to learn!
Good day everybody!
I tried a VaPer as I was suggested to by somebody on here.
This morning I smoked Sutliff's Match Victorian. I was afraid of perique because of a sensation some blends gave me. It was the feeling of needles made of pepper on the back of my tongue and throat which I had misatributed to perique. Match Victorian is teaching me I don't need to be so perique-shy as the sensation im afraid of, I'm not really getting here. It has got to be some other component i don't like, I can't identify it yet. I've still got a whole lot to learn!
I've had some red Virginias affect me adversely with bad mouth burning. Perique doesn't do this to me. I'd say a lot of VaPers have fairly low percentages of perique. Some blends also have things in them that can chemically affect the mouth.
Good day everybody!
I tried a VaPer as I was suggested to by somebody on here.
This morning I smoked Sutliff's Match Victorian. I was afraid of perique because of a sensation some blends gave me. It was the feeling of needles made of pepper on the back of my tongue and throat which I had misatributed to perique. Match Victorian is teaching me I don't need to be so perique-shy as the sensation im afraid of, I'm not really getting here. It has got to be some other component i don't like, I can't identify it yet. I've still got a whole lot to learn!
What blends gave you that trouble?
I've had some red Virginias affect me adversely with bad mouth burning. Perique doesn't do this to me. I'd say a lot of VaPers have fairly low percentages of perique. Some blends also have things in them that can chemically affect the mouth.
I had a friend whose mouth broke out with sore spots every time he tried to smoke red Va.s. Some people react badly to bright Va.s because of the PH content when it's not aged. I know three brothers who are pipe smokers, but they have bad reactions to burley. Body chemistry can greatly affect you.

Most VaPers have less than 16% perique.
Did a set of walking reps under cloudy skies under the watchful eyes of all the ferals, and am close to finishing this bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. I had laugh about it because all four of them were distanced from each other, but except for Tomato the Brave, who walked parts of two laps with me, they strategically positioned themselves so they could keep an eye on me. Lunch follows this smoke.