Prince Albert or Carter Hall?

Brothers of Briar

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Prince Albert is ideal for blending. Carter Hall has more of a distinct flavor to me. Both are so close and so good for breaking in a new briar. Never saw either in Canada at any time - but you can get a bale of it at 4noggins. ww
Puff Daddy":rsjmy8xa said:
Funny. Every WalMart, supermarket and cigarette joint in town carries PA but none carry Carter Hall. I'm going to have to wait until I put in an order with an online vendor, but I will try it as soon as I can.
I've got the same problem here. The guy who owns the smoke shop next to where I work says that he can order a case for me but I'd like to try it first because I can get PA in giant tubs for $20 from him too and I know I like that.
I actually had the lady at the Rite-Aid drug store here in town order some Carter Hall for me. She said it would take a week. I returned a week later and it didn't come, she said give it another week. Went back again, no Carter Hall. She made a call, the chain no longer has that brand on it's computer system so the distributor can not ship it to them - no longer available for sale to Rite-Aid stores. :x The tobacco isn't discontinued, they (the Rite-Aid corporation) just won't inventory it any more.

Thanks for that :evil:

They still sell Mixture 79 :affraid: No thanks :pale:

I guess I'll just wait until my next Mars Cigars order, I know Mike can get tubs..........
Dubbya":8xc5voj2 said:
Puff Daddy":8xc5voj2 said:
Funny. Every WalMart, supermarket and cigarette joint in town carries PA but none carry Carter Hall. I'm going to have to wait until I put in an order with an online vendor, but I will try it as soon as I can.
I've got the same problem here. The guy who owns the smoke shop next to where I work says that he can order a case for me but I'd like to try it first because I can get PA in giant tubs for $20 from him too and I know I like that.
Found it. Carter Hall wins by a hair. I'll be ordering that case next week. It seems like it would be great blended with some Cavendish and (maybe) a sweet aromatic.
jj1015":xtun4d96 said:
...It burns as well as PA, and I've yet to get this mixture to bite unless I deliberately abuse it. I find it to be a little more complex, a little easier on the mouth, and simply more interesting than its cousin. I sometimes smoke this all day without growing bored.
What you said. I'm a Carter Hall kinda guy. The reason is, I first smoked PA in a (probably wet) pipe that made it taste ashy and cigarette-like. I first smoked CH in an old cob - smooth and sweet.
I prefer CH, but I smoke a few bowls of it consecutively in my corn cob. Still, I think there's more to it than PA, which for me is like THE generic pipe tobacco--like pure distilled water. I don't pick up of the vitamin N that many people say it has. My favorite personal blend is 40% PA and 60% SWR, I think it offsets the strength and grittiness of the Sir very well.
Because of this thread, I dug into a almost completely full tub of CH that I had bought quite awhile ago, and had quickly left to languish since my initial impression was of just sucking tasteless air.

But now, I am finding it to be quite delightful. In fact, I find myself yearning for it. I usually smoke it in a MM cob freehand, but also like it in a churchwarden reserved for Five Brothers. Odd how one's impressions can change...

Oh, I'd take CH over PA. To me, PA is inoffensive, just ok, but it doesn't stand out in any particular way.
I find Carter Hall to be a putrid smoke. However, I do enjoy PA and always keep some on hand.
I feel qualified to comment here, albeit late. I recently ordered a tub of each, never having tried any of the famous American "drugstore blends". On another forum we've decided to call them "Heritage Blends" or "American Classics" which is far less disparaging.

Carter Hall wins for me by a mile. It's one of the few tobaccos that I find myself thinking about when I'm not smoking, and its sweeter taste wins out.

Normally I smoke premium blends too, notably FVF, 1792, Maltese Falcon and one or two other GL Pease blends. In fact I have over 20 premium blends open as I write. No one was as surprised as me to discover this "less expensive" (I refuse to use the word "cheap") tobacco would become a favourite.
For an OTC prefer PA over CH. CH is a sweeter but for me, it has a hint of soapiness to it.
The Prince works all right for me, but for long-term smoking I prefer CH. For some reason, I seem to get tired of PA after a few bowls.
Dubbya said:
Dubbya said:
Puff Daddy":k069x7tp said:
Found it. Carter Hall wins by a hair. I'll be ordering that case next week. It seems like it would be great blended with some Cavendish and (maybe) a sweet aromatic.
I like it with a little Lane Limited Cherry, or Lane Limited BCA. CH usually blends fairly well with aromatics.
I like both but CH gets the nod as my favorite. I've been smoking it for nearly forty years.

I prefer Cater Hall over Prince Albert anyday. I can smoke CH all day long in my Grabow junkie yard pipe. These 2 go together great. I have tried PA several times and just can't make myself like it. Never cared much for SWR either. Liked Half and Half better that PA. When I was rolling my own cigarettes I prefered CH then H/H and threw away the PA.
I'm really not too qualified as I have only been successful in smoking either of these for about the last 2 weeks but have smoked a pipe on and off for almost 40 years. I finally found PA to be to my taste and have been really enjoying it. Last weekend I opened a pouch of CH and found it to be similar with a definite sweeter backnote, presumably from the Virginia content or maybe an extra dollop of the casing? Both had a pouch note that made me think of chocolate raisins. Regardless, the presence of this sweetness made me consider CH to be a sit and think smoke, while the Prince is definitely an all-day, puff around the yard kind of tobacco. Both equally well mannered, no bite or goop in the pipe when finished. I sampled both in a newly acquired Brigham straight-apple estate that I just refurbished this week, and I also tried PA in a well-smoked cob. All were pleasant experiences. Incidentally, I also had a try at Kentucky Club, also from Middletons. Despite similar appearances, the KC had the bite of a junk-yard dog. Emptied the pipe shortly after the first tamping.
beaupipe":5z08jts6 said:
Six months ago, I would have said the Prince. Lately, however it's been the Carter. What about the Sir?

I smoke Prince Albert daily and Carter Hall almost as frequently. I prefer PA to CH because of the sweetness. I prefer my burleys to be less on the sweet side. Sir Walter Raleigh however has a place in my routine also. I find it more akin to Prince Albert in the sweetness category.
All three are great burleys.

i prefer PA because it was the first thing i smoked that wasn't captain black. its kinda a special thing, it saved my pipe smoking even if i left it pretty early on.
You know I have never smoked either but I have smoked quite a bit of Sugar Barrel which like CH is made by Middleton. It must be very similar to CH but maybe a little sweeter. It is not however as sweet as the name suggests. After you open the tub up let it sit for awhile and the sweetness will subside quite a bit and the smoke will become buttery and yummy! Sugar Barrel is still my favorite Burley. I bought a pound of Butternut Burley recently and I still like the SB better.
I miss Sugar Barrel sooooooo much! The match stinks, it burns hot, tastes like crap and smells like cigarettes. I miss Sugar Barrel, Berry Wine, Walnut, Cherry Blend and I REALLY miss Kentucky Club Mild.
Another resurrected thread! I've been on a codger kick over the past year. I do like Carter Hall. I haven't tried PA yet but I have tried Captain Black Original, Borkum Riff Original, Half & Half, Velvet, Granger, and Sir Walter Raleigh. None has been a glaring disappointment with the exception of SWR. CH stands out from the others. BRO and CBO also do but largely for their Cavendish characteristics. If I could only have one it would be Carter Hall.