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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Nefarious

    What are you snuffing?

    You should definitely get some McChrystals original and genuine... I have lots of different snuffs, but I think that one is a must for everyone :D
  2. Nefarious

    What are you snuffing?

    Swisher Railroad mills scotch
  3. Nefarious

    A big hello from NY

    lol, thanks all. I'm not that young, 28 to be exact. I have no shame in smoking my pipe, as a matter of fact I'm quite proud. All I get is compliments on the smell of my smoke and the sophisticated look my pipe gives me.
  4. Nefarious

    What are you smoking?

    Davidoff flake medallion in a Kaywoodie Ruff Tone
  5. Nefarious

    A big hello from NY

    Thanks for the invite! I will definitely try to make one of the meetings. I might be a little young for that crowd, but that won't scare me off :D
  6. Nefarious

    A big hello from NY

    Hello all, my names Chris and I hail from Long Island, New York. Thanks for all the great information I've gathered here thus far. I'm relatively new to the wondrous world of pipe smoking, and am still exploring. Thankfully I've found this forum before getting too lost in my travels. I...