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Brothers of Briar

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  1. sstodvictory

    Great Photos thread

    . Another tree canopy shot. Argenta IL, a local small town.
  2. sstodvictory

    Help With Identifying a Pipe

    I'm guessing its Italian because "aurea" is Italian for "gold", from the Latin "aurum". Does the script look like it could be "Barontini", or more remotely "Briantea"? If Barontini: There were pipe-making cousins by this surname - Ilio and Cesare - and Cesare Barontini still has a web site...
  3. sstodvictory


    1-3 Steve
  4. sstodvictory

    Should this be taking so long??

    30 minutes is common for me. I pack 3-4 layers, very light at the bottom, firmer as I go up, but not really tight even at the top. Often I'll loosen and dump the ashes and relight about 2/3 of the way through the bowl. Works for me most of the time. I'd rather have consistently good short...
  5. sstodvictory

    Jazz Appreciation Thread

    For me it would have to be big bands, and Don Ellis is represented better than the others in my collection, 2nd place Quincy Jones. Steve
  6. sstodvictory

    Beverages That Work Well With the Pipe?

    Water works best for me. Distilled spirits is the worst - the EtOH irritates my buds when I'm smoking. Steve
  7. sstodvictory

    Ice Storm

  8. sstodvictory

    What are you listening to?

    Listened to "Reno on Record" tonight (Aircraft Records label), a high quality stereo CD of the Reno air races unlimited class. On the flight line, engines startup, taxi, takeoff, at the pylons in qualification laps and race. Steve
  9. sstodvictory

    Ice Storm

    Icy day in central Illinois. I put up this web page today. Photos and vids. Steve
  10. sstodvictory

    Now why didn't I think of this?

    XX-LARGE RATS ON SALE Get 'em while they last. If you're wondering how I'm finding this stuff - I'm using NAICS codes in targeted searching of the Small Business Administration, for job leads. Trouble is, the NAICS code system is not a tight as it should be. Steve
  11. sstodvictory

    Exceptional Willmer AAA straight grain on Ebay

    The most I've paid for a Willmer AAA is $107, including several Ebay purchases. My best one has grain as good as that on the bowl, but not as good as that example on the shank. Very light or clear stains in good straight grain tend to cost more than darker stains, so maybe for that one the...
  12. sstodvictory

    Now why didn't I think of this?

    I could have been rich. Don't think of making and selling these yourself...they are patented. Steve
  13. sstodvictory

    Sunrise over the City of Angels

    This is a little off topic, but Mexico City, Mexico? Tell me this climate is true. It looks too good to be believed! (scroll down to table) Steve
  14. sstodvictory

    My Mouse Pipes

    I didn't know what a Perfection was until you mentioned it and I looked it up. Charatan has not been a target for me, though I've targeted Willmers. Info on this web page places Perfection at the low end of Charatans smooth "high-grades", with Special the next grade above that among 7-tiers of...
  15. sstodvictory

    My Mouse Pipes

    Champaign, Illinois
  16. sstodvictory

    My Mouse Pipes

    . Several years ago, somehow, I left a box of 10 pipes in my shed and they became forgotten. Mice got into them. A Castello had a spider nest in the bowl. A Ferndown had what looked like a mouse nibble in the wood. I took the whole lot to Michael La Due at Jon's Pipe Shop to be fixed up and...
  17. sstodvictory

    Exceptional Willmer AAA straight grain on Ebay

    I started collecting Willmers because my local B&M has always stocked a selection of them, and my first pipe was a straight grain AAA. I kept my eye out after that and have bought AA and AAA grades when the size, shape and wood appealed to me. I agree that some are clunky. I have two like...
  18. sstodvictory

    Exceptional Willmer AAA straight grain on Ebay

    Some of the tightest and clearest straight grain in all pipedom is found on the older Willmer AAA grade pipes (before Willmer "inflated" their grading system). This one takes the cake, and I wanted you all to see it. I own too many AAA Willmers to bid on this one, but its taking all my...
  19. sstodvictory

    Some of my pipes

    First reaction: Really nice job on all those restorations. Second reaction: Holy cow! That stick man has half his body in the pipe! Must be doing a pipe inspection. Steve
  20. sstodvictory

    Best bang for the buck?

    In DeKalb...I'd make a visit to Jon's Pipe Shop in Urbana, IL. Their estate selection is huge and the folks there really know their stuff. They'll help you make a wise choice in your price range. My specific suggestion, ask to see their estate Savinelli Punto Oro collection first (I was...