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Brothers of Briar

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  1. loneredtree

    What do you like to drink along with your smoke?

    That was altered burley. Most likely adulterant is sugar which is acidic. Perique is supposed to have a nic hit. \ Nice test set up. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: 
  2. loneredtree

    What do you like to drink along with your smoke?

    Old bear posted: I thought it was because the mild acid of the coffee, tea or wine neutralized the basic smoke that might leave a tongue burn, but when I tested the smoke it appears that most of the scorching tobaccos might be acidic....... ......stories of pH manipulation (addition of ammonia)...
  3. loneredtree

    Sacramento CA public transportation & pipe smoking...

    Welcome to the new reality. But, how can they enforce this edict? Fines? Arrest? It is public property not owned by the transit company. Right? Smoke on Brother. If to got em smoke em and eff em. :cat: 
  4. loneredtree

    Primitive but smokes well

    Thank you for the po. I have heard that madrone or mansanita were used for pipes during WW2. The list had no mention of these woods. Oh well.
  5. loneredtree

    Thomas Tkach

    Thomas and I traded tobaccos recently. The swap went well and I would recommend dealing with him.
  6. loneredtree

    California bill to ban internet tobacco sales

    I made the call to Rpt Dickerson. I let them know that I will contribute money to his next opponent. I urge others in Kalifornia to do the same.  :evil: 
  7. loneredtree

    California bill to ban internet tobacco sales

    Thanks for the post PD. I tried to send an email to this AH but it did not go through since I am not in his district. "I am not political. Your effort to ban internet sales of tobacco, AB 1500, will make me contribute to your opponent's campaign next election. " This is the only leverage we...
  8. loneredtree

    Pipers in Chico, CA (hipsters need not reply)

    Cart is right on the MM site. The only cobs that I have seen in 530 are very small. Check out their site. A club does meet at the Tobacco Road at times I am not sure of. They have a site also.
  9. loneredtree

    Butane Pipe lighter Insert

    I am not a heavy user so have not had the problems that have been brought up. Mine is a Vector however. :twisted: 
  10. loneredtree

    Butane Pipe lighter Insert

    There is no comparison AJ. The fuel in the insert does not leak out. So, you do not have to refill it until you use it up.  :D 
  11. loneredtree

    A year of pipe smoking in retrospect

    Thank you for posting your story Kev. The resources provided by the net and these forums are a great help for both the novice and the old timer. You have made good use of these. This journey of discovery is for all of us a trial and error search for what at the times pleases our palate. It does...
  12. loneredtree

    Peninsula Pipe Club Sunday Jan 4th (bay area CA)

    I will not be down in the Bay Area. Not this time anyway. I hope that you get a good group together. Come on All!!
  13. loneredtree

    2013 BoB Pipe of the Year (All Done)

    GOOD NEWS!!!!  :alien: :cat: :pig: :santa: :geek: 
  14. loneredtree

    Steve Books/House of Calabash

    Here are some descriptions.
  15. loneredtree

    Zippo Tip

    I have been pondering What plumber's tape was. The idea of adhesive and lighter fluid did not seem a good idea. DUH! We call it Teflon tape in the states. Thanks I will have to try this.  :D
  16. loneredtree


    Thanks Rye. I have not had a chance to smoke mine due to some other problems. Good info to have. It will be a while until I can light mine off.  :flower: 
  17. loneredtree


    I did not undersatand. Was the Kirsten bowl good?  :bounce: 
  18. loneredtree

    Pipe Smoking Health Insurance

    OK. But, how do you verify your use? Smoke in the presence of a monitor who keeps you pipes and tobacco under lock down? Like FA in Germany. Hummmm! Interesting. Kyle could expand on this....  :twisted:
  19. loneredtree

    "Stinson Beach"

    SteveS I thought that Telford's was opening a shop in SF. Yes or no? You might check with them.
  20. loneredtree

    "Stinson Beach"

    I do want to get down to Telford's. Just can't seem to make it. Maybe I will after the first of the year. I will have to try this blend. Do they let one sample their bulk?